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Pengaruh Pencucian Sperma dengan Metode Density Gradient Centrifugation Terhadap Aktivitas Spesifik Dinein ATPase Pada LakiLaki Infertil Astenozoospermia
2019 | BY Fariz Angling Al Rasyid - Silvia W Lestari- The Effect of Sperm Washing with Density Gradient Centrifugation Method to Specific Activity of Dynein ATPase in Infertile Male with Asthenozoospermia.
- Nomor Panggil S19068fk
Dasar Pengembangan Vaksin Kontrasepsi Pria: Kloning dan Ekspresi Protein Rekombinan hVDAC3 (human Voltage Dependent Anion Channel 3) untuk Produksi Antibodi Poliklonal.
2015 | BY ASMARINAH - Purnomo Soeharso - T.Susmiarsih - Endang Winiati Bachtiar- A Basis for Development of Male Contraceptive Vaccine: Cloning and Expression of hVDAC3 (human Voltage Dependent Anion Channel 3) Recombinant Protein to Produce It’s Polyclonal Antibodies.
- Nomor Panggil D15014fk
Faktor-faktor Risiko Kejadian Kanker Paru pada Laki-laki Bukan Perokok di RSUP Persahabatan
2017 | BY Aulya Fairuz - Jamal Zaini- Risk Factors of Lung Cancer in Male Never-smokers in RSUP Persahabtan.
- Nomor Panggil S17101fk
Efek Hepatoprotektif Ekstrak Daun Pandan Wangi terhadap Hati Tikus Jantan yang Diberi CCl4
2019 | BY Dama Aliya Izza - Mohamad Sadikin- Hepatoprotective Effect of Fragrant Pandan Leaves Extract in Liver of Male Rat Given CCl4.
- Nomor Panggil S18132fk
Pengaruh Ekstrak Etanol Akar Acalypha indica L. terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid dan Fungsi Kognitif pada Tikus SpragueDawley Jantan Tua
2018 | BY Reganedgary Jonlean - Rani Wardani Hakim- The Effect of Acalypha indica L. Root’s Ethanolic Extract on Old Male Sprague-Dawley Rats’ Malondialdehyde Levels and Cognitive Function.
- Nomor Panggil S18095fk
Efek Hepatoprotektif Oncom Merah dan Oncom Hitam pada Tikus Jantan yang Diberi CCl4 : Pengamatan terhadap Aktivitas AST dan ALT Serum
2018 | BY Naufal Arkan Abiyyu Ibrahim - Mohamad Sadikin- Hepatoprotective Effects of Red Oncom and Black Oncom Extract on Male Rats Given CCl4 : Observation on the Activity of serum AST and ALT.
- Nomor Panggil S18063fk
Hubungan Antara Power Mahasiswa Laki-Laki dan Perempuan Fakultas Kedokteran Angkatan 2011.
2013 | BY Natalia Rania S - Ermita Isfandiary Ilyas- The Relation in Power Between Male and Female at Medical Faculty Batch 2011.
- Nomor Panggil S13218fk
Beda Kadar kolesterol total pada pria perokok dan bukan perokok tembakau usia 20 - 60 tahun di Salemba tahun 2009 - 2010
2010 | BY Atikah Isna Fatya - Rianto Setiabudy- The difference of total cholesterol between male tobacco smokers and male tobacco non-smokers 20 - 60 years old in Salemba during year 2009 - 2010.
- Nomor Panggil S10292fk
Kombinasi Berbagai Intensitas dan Durasi Latihan Fisik Aerobik Terhadap Fungsi Memori Spasial: Kajian Molekuler Ekspresi Protein Neuroligin dan Reseptor NMDA Hipokampus Tikus Wistar Jantan
2017 | BY Tahyatul Bariroh - Neng Tine Kartinah - Sophie Yolanda- Combination of Aerobic Exercise Intensity and Duration on Spatial Memory: Study on Expression of Neuroligin and NMDAR in Hippocampal in Male Wistar Rats.
- Nomor Panggil T17321fk
Analisis nyeri bahu dan faktor risiko yang berhubungan pada pekerja laki-laki pembuat batu bata (studi di Kecamatan Cibarusah, Kabupaten Bekasi)
2017 | BY Raden Muhammad Adi Pranaya - Astrid Sulistomo - Sudadi Hirawan- Analysis of shoulder pain and associated risk factors among male brick making workers (Study in Cibarusah sub district, Bekasi district) .
- Nomor Panggil T17309fk