
Korelasi Antara Faktor Sosiodemografik Ibu, Jenis Kelamin Bayi, Jenis Persalinan, dan Stres Selama Kehamilan terhadap Inisiasi Menyusui Dini Pada Ibu Melahirkan = Correlations Between Maternal Sociodemographic Factors, Infant Sex, Delivery Method, and Stress During Pregnancy and Early Initiation of Breastfeeding in Postpartum Mothers.

Latar belakang: Terjadinya inisiasi menyusui dini (IMD) sangat krusial bagi keberlanjutan ASI eksklusif. Selain itu, kolostrum (ASI pertama) memiliki komponen yang esensial untuk proses tumbuh kembang neonatus. Namun, prevalensi IMD di Indonesia dan dunia masih belum optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi korelasi antara berbagai faktor sosiodemografik, jenis kelamin bayi, cara persalinan, dan stres maternal terhadap IMD. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan secara potong lintang dengan data primer. Data sosiodemografik yang dikumpulkan adalah usia ibu, status ekonomi, cara kelahiran, tingkat pendidikan, status pekerjaan, jumlah anak, frekuensi ANC, jenis kelamin bayi, dan terjadinya IMD. Data stres maternal diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner DASS 21 yang telah divalidasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji korelasi Spearman. Korelasi dan kemaknaannya dilihat dari koefisien korelasi beserta nilai p nya. Hasil: Sebanyak 40 subjek yang telah dirandomisasi dimasukkan untuk analisis data. Mayoritas subjek penelitian melahirkan bayi laki-laki (65%), berpendapatan Rp1.301.000 – Rp5.000.000 per bulan (77,5%), pendidikan terakhir SMA (75%), tidak bekerja (75%), memiliki 1 anak (50%), melahirkan normal (67,5%), dan melakukan kunjungan ANC minimal 6 kali (72,5%). Seluruh subjek tergolong dalam kategori tidak ada stres. Proporsi terjadinya IMD pada subjek penelitian adalah 77,5%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, hubungan semua variabel bebas dengan IMD tidak bermakna secara statistik, namun ditemukan korelasi pada variabel usia ibu, status ekonomi, jumlah anak, dan stres maternal. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa usia ibu, status ekonomi, jumlah anak, dan stres selama kehamilan mempengaruhi IMD. Penelitian-penelitian selanjutnya harus dapat mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi IMD.
Kata kunci: faktor sosiodemografik, cara persalinan, stres, jenis kelamin bayi, inisiasi menyusui dini

Introduction: Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (EIBF) is crucial for the continuity of exclusive breastfeeding. Colostrum (the first milk) also contains various essential components for the growth and development process during the neonatal period. However, the EIBF prevalence in Indonesia and the world is far from optimal. This study aims to analyze whether various sociodemographic factors, infant sex, delivery method, and maternal stress correlate with EIBF. Method: A cross-sectional study was done using primary data. Sociodemographic data obtained were maternal age, economic status, delivery method, maternal education, working status, number of children, ANC frequency, infant sex, and EIBF. Maternal stress data were obtained using DASS 21 questionnaire validated in Bahasa Indonesia. Statistical analysis was conducted using Spearman correlation. The correlations and their statistical significance were shown as correlation coefficients with their respective pvalue. Result: 40 randomized subjects were included in the statistical analysis. The majority of the subjects delivered male infants (65%), had a monthly income of Rp1.301.000 – Rp5.000.000 (77,5%), were high school graduates (75%), were not working (75%), were having their first child (50%), delivered vaginally (67,5%), and had at least 6 ANCs (72,5%). All subjects were considered as no stress. Based on the statistical analysis, the correlations between all dependent variables and EIBF are not statistically significant. However, maternal age, economic status, number of children, and maternal stress correlate with EIBF. Conclusion: This study shows that maternal age, economic status, number of children, and maternal stress influences EIBF. Further studies should be conducted to identify other factors influencing EIBF.
Keywords: sociodemographic factors, delivery method, maternal stress, infant sex, early initiation of breastfeeding.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Michael Sugiyanto - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 Reguler.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xi, 52 hal ; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S21100fkS21100fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Korelasi Antara Faktor Sosiodemografik Ibu, Jenis Kelamin Bayi, Jenis Persalinan, dan Stres Selama Kehamilan terhadap Inisiasi Menyusui Dini Pada Ibu Melahirkan  = Correlations Between Maternal Sociodemographic Factors, Infant Sex, Delivery Method, and Stress During Pregnancy and Early Initiation of Breastfeeding in Postpartum Mothers.

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