
Hubungan Usia dan Indeks Massa Tubuh terhadap Subtipe Molekuler Kanker Payudara di RSCM = Relationship between Age and Body Mass Index on Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes at RSCM.

Latar Belakang Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker yang paling banyak ditemukan pada wanita dengan 2,3 juta kasus baru pada tahun 2020. Klasifikasi berdasarkan ekspresi reseptor hormon penting diketahui karena tiap subtipe dapat berbeda dalam karakteristik klinis, strategi pengobatan, dan prognosis. Penelitian hubungan faktor risiko usia dan IMT terhadap subtipe kanker payudara yang telah dilakukan masih menghasilkan kesimpulan yang bertentangan dan belum konklusif sehingga penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan. Metode Penelitian ini dilakukan di RCSM pada April-Mei 2024 dengan mengakses rekam medis 180 pasien kanker payudara primer yang datang ke Poli Bedah RSCM pada tahun 2022 dan menjalani pemeriksaan patologi anatomi dan imunohistokimia. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dimasukkan dalam tabel SPSS versi 26.0 untuk dianalisis. Hasil Diperoleh 180 subjek dengan 82,8% berusia > 40 tahun dan 17,2% berusia ≤ 40 tahun. Ditemukan 51,1% subjek tergolong obesitas, 27,2% tergolong berat badan normal, 16,1% tergolong berat badan berlebih, dan hanya 5,6% tergolong berat badan kurang. Ditemukan subtipe luminal mencakup 72,8% kasus dan non-luminal 27,2% kasus. Secara lebih spesifik, subtipe dengan proporsi paling banyak ditemukan adalah tipe luminal B dengan 41,1%, diikuti tipe luminal A 31,7%, TNBC 17,2%, dan HER2-enriched dengan 10%. Dilakukan analisis chi-square antara usia dengan subtipe kanker payudara, serta IMT dengan subtipe kanker payudara, namun tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna. Kesimpulan Tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia ataupun IMT terhadap subtipe molekuler kanker payudara yang signifikan di RSCM tahun 2022.
Kata Kunci: usia, indeks massa tubuh, obesitas, subtipe, luminal, kanker payudara

Introduction Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer found in women with 2,3 million new cases in 2020. Classification based on hormone receptor expression is important because each subtype can differ in clinical characteristics, treatment strategies and prognosis. Research on the relationship between risk factors of age and BMI on breast cancer subtypes that has been carried out still produces conflicting conclusions and is not yet conclusive, so further research needs to be carried out. Method This research was conducted at RCSM in April-May 2024 by accessing the medical records of 180 primary breast cancer patients who came to the RSCM Surgical Clinic in 2022 and underwent anatomical pathology and immunohistochemical examinations. The collected data was then entered into the SPSS version 26.0 table for analysis. Results There were 180 subjects with 82,8% aged > 40 years and 17,2% aged ≤ 40 years. It was found that 51,1% of subjects were classified as obese, 27,2% were classified as normal weight, 16,1% were classified as overweight, and only 5,6% were classified as underweight. It was found that the luminal subtype covered 72,8% of cases and nonluminal 27,2% of cases. More specifically, the subtype with the highest proportion found was luminal B type with 41,1%, followed by luminal A type 31,7%, TNBC 17,2%, and HER2-enriched with 10%. A correlation analysis was carried out between age and breast cancer subtype, and BMI and breast cancer subtype, but no significant relationship was found. Conclusion There is no significant correlation between age or BMI and molecular subtypes of breast cancer in RSCM in 2022.
Keywords: age, body mass index, obesity, subtype, luminal, breast cancer

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Raka Pradhana Fajri - Nama Orang
Shabrina Rizky Putri - Nama Orang

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Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 Reguler.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xiii, 34 hlm. ; 21 x 30 cm
SBP Online
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Image of Hubungan Usia dan Indeks Massa Tubuh terhadap Subtipe Molekuler Kanker Payudara di RSCM = Relationship between Age and Body Mass Index on Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes at RSCM.

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