
Perbandingan Luaran Klinis dan Radiologis Degeneratif Lumbal Canal Stenosis Yang Dilakukan Dekompresi Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery Disectomy Dan Tanpa Discectomy = Comparison of clinical and radiological outcomes of biportal endoscopic spine surgery with discectomy and without discectomy in degenerative lumbar canal stenosis.

Pendahuluan Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery (BESS) merupakan salah satu metode minimal invasif untuk melakukan dekompresi struktur saraf pada Degeneratif Lumbal Canal Stenosis (DLCS). Teknik ini memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan teknik lainnya dalam preservasi jaringan lunak dan struktur posterior tulang belakang. Penambahan prosedur discectomy pada pembedahan terbuka diketahui akan menyebabkan penurunan tinggi diskus secara signifikan, mempercepat proses degenerasi pada diskus itu sendiri sehingga akan merubah biomekanika segmen vertebra dan menimbulkan nyeri bahkan instabilitas di kemudian hari. Untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian dengan membandingkan hasil luaran klinis dan radiologis pada DLCS yang dilakukan BESS dengan penambahan discectomy dan tanpa discectomy Metodologi Penelitian ini mengambil data dari 48 subjek DLCS yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yang telah menjalani prosedur BESS. Kemudian dibagi menjadi kelompok BESS discectomy sebanyak 24 subjek dan BESS tanpa discectomy sebanyak 24 subjek secara consecutive sampling. Pada masing-masing kelompok dinilai luaran klinis berupa skala nyeri Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) dan skor Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) pre dan 1 tahun pasca operasi. Luaran radiologis dinilai berupa tinggi diskus pada x ray lumbal lateral berdiri pre dan pasca 1 tahun operasi dan adanya instabilitas dinilai dari translasi sagittal dinamik, angulasi sagittal dinamik pada x ray lumbal dinamik berdiri 1 tahun pasca operasi Hasil Dari 48 orang subjek pada penelitian ini, rerata usia sebesar 57.56+8.37, sebagian besar berjenis kelamin perempuan 31 (64.6%), dengan level stenosis terbanyak pada L4- 5 yaitu sebesar 64.6%, diikuti L5-S1 sebesar 25% dan L3-4 10.4%. Pada kelompok BESS discectomy didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap skala nyeri NRS back dan leg pain, skor ODI, serta penurunan tinggi diskus pre dan pasca operasi 1 tahun (p < 0,001), begitu juga dengan kelompok BESS tanpa discectomy. Perbandingan perbedaan penurunan tinggi diskus antara kedua kelompok pasca 1 tahun operasi, menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan yaitu pada BESS discectomy dengan rerata 1,63 + 0,87 mm, sedangkan pada BESS tanpa discectomy sebesar 0,46 + 0,36 mm (p < 0,001). Perbandingan terjadinya instabilitas tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kedua kelompok ( p=0,234) Diskusi dan Kesimpulan Prosedur BESS pada kasus DLCS memberikan penurunan skala nyeri NRS back pain dan leg pain yang sama baiknya pada kelompok BESS discectomy dan BESS tanpa discectomy. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan terjadinya instabilitas pada kedua kelompok, meskipun didapatkan perbedaan penurunan tinggi diskus yang signifikan antara kedua kelompok setelah 1 tahun operasi.
Kata kunci: Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery (BESS); Degeneratif Lumbal Canal Stenosis (DLCS); discectomy; tanpa discectomy; luaran klinis; luaran radiologis.

Introduction Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery (BESS) is a minimally invasive method for decompressing nerve structures in Degenerative Lumbar Canal Stenosis (DLCS). This technique has advantages over other techniques in the preservation of soft tissue and posterior structures of the spine. The addition of a discectomy procedure to open surgery is known to cause a significant reduction in disc height, accelerate the degeneration process of the disc itself so that it will change the biomechanics of the vertebral segments and cause pain and even instability in the future. For this reason, research was conducted by comparing the clinical and radiological outcomes of DLCS performed by BESS with the addition of discectomy and without discectomy. Materials and Methods This study took data from 48 DLCS subjects who met the inclusion criteria who had undergone the BESS procedure. Then divided into BESS discectomy group with 24 subjects and BESS without discectomy with 24 subjects using consecutive sampling. In each group, clinical outcomes were assessed in the form of the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) pain scale and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores pre and 1 year after surgery. Radiological outcomes were assessed in the form of disc height on standing lateral lumbar x-ray pre and post 1 year of surgery and the presence of instability was assessed from dynamic sagittal translation, dynamic sagittal angulation on standing dynamic lumbar x ray 1 year post surgery Results Of the 48 subjects in this study, the average age was 57.56+8.37, the majority were female 31 (64.6%), with the highest level of stenosis at L4-5 (64.6%), followed by L5-S1 at 25% and L3-4 10.4%. In the BESS discectomy group, there were significant differences in the NRS back and leg pain scales, ODI scores, and reduction in disc height pre and postoperatively 1 year (p < 0.001), as well as in the BESS group without discectomy. Comparison of the difference in disc height reduction between the two groups after 1 year of surgery, showed a significant difference,in BESS discectomy with a mean of 1.63 + 0.87 mm, while in BESS without discectomy it was 0.46 + 0.36 mm (p < 0.001 ). Comparison of the occurrence of instability did not show a significant difference between the two groups (p=0.234) Discussion and Conclusion The BESS procedure in DLCS cases provided an equally good reduction in the NRS back pain and leg pain scales in the BESS discectomy and BESS without discectomy groups. There was no difference in the occurrence of instability in the two groups, although there was a significant difference in disc height reduction between the two groups after 1 year of surgery.
Keywords Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery (BESS); Degenerative Lumbar Canal Stenosis (DLCS); discectomy; without discectomy; clinical outcomes; radiological outcomes.

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Tahun Terbit

M. Ade Putra - Nama Orang
Ifran Saleh - Nama Orang

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Jakarta : Program Studi Ilmu Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xv, 52 hlm. ; 21 x 30 cm
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Image of Perbandingan Luaran Klinis dan Radiologis Degeneratif Lumbal Canal Stenosis Yang Dilakukan Dekompresi Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery Disectomy Dan Tanpa Discectomy = Comparison of clinical and radiological outcomes of biportal endoscopic spine surgery with discectomy and without discectomy in degenerative lumbar canal stenosis.

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