
The Iris : understanding the essentials / by Kambiz Thomas Moazed

The iris is a circular, pigmented tissue that separates the anterior chamber of the eye from the posterior chamber. It has a crucial role on controlling the amount of the light entering the eye through its central opening "the pupil". The Iris has multiple important functions that support and provide image clarity on the retina. However, it is a largely neglected part of the eye, compared to the cornea lens, retina, and optic nerve, and has not been focused on in a comprehensive way until now. The Iris: Understanding the Essentials, combines different aspects of scientific information from a variety of fields, such as anatomy, histopathology, molecular biology, electron microscopy and other diagnostic modalities. Each chapter will include pearls and summary points, and this multi-disciplinary approach helps the clinician diagnose and treat the large variety of diseases that affect the iris, with the main emphasize on pigmentary pathological changes that can affect the color of the eye. Written as a reference review book for universities, practicing ophthalmologists, Ophthalmology residents, pharmaceutical companies and diagnostic equipment manufacturing companies this book summarizes the information in an easy-to-use manner to help the reader better understand the iris, iris structure, physiology and function.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Moazed, Kambiz Thomas - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
WW 240 M6873 2020
Cham, Switzerland : Springer.,
Deskripsi Fisik
257 halaman ; ilustrasi
WW 240
Info Detail Spesifik
File Digital (PDF)
Ebooks240560WW 240 M6873 2020Perpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of The Iris : understanding the essentials / by Kambiz Thomas Moazed

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