
Anxiety and depression in primary care : international perspectives / edited by Sherina Mohd Sidik, Felicity Goodyear-Smith

This book provides practical information about depression and anxiety in primary care, with a focus on the approach in different countries and incorporating global ranges/prevalence, risk factors and health burden including that associated with COVID-19 and its pandemic.

To ensure the challenges of a wide international primary care community are reflected fully, authors from different world regions – Africa, Asia Pacific, East Mediterranean, Europe, IberoAmericana-CIMF, North America and South Asia – have co-contributed to individual chapters on the detection and management of depression and anxiety in primary care in their own countries, including the screening tools used, how widely these tools are adopted and by whom, and current policies. As well as the medical model, it also presents the alternative viewpoint that feeling low or anxious is part of the human condition and the attention should be on supporting people in their journey through life, struggling to deal with the mainly social challenges they meet, rather than defining these problems as disorders or diseases requiring identification and treatment.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Sidik, Sherina Mohd - Nama Orang
Felicity Goodyear-Smith - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
WM 140 S5689 2024
Boca Raton : CRC Press.,
Deskripsi Fisik
225 halaman ; ilustrasi
WM 140
Info Detail Spesifik
File Digital (PDF)
Ebooks240437WM 140 S5689 2024Perpustakaan FKUITersedia
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