
Efek Pemberian Lunasin dari Ekstrak Kedelai terhadap Tingkat Ekspresi Siklin D1 pada Tikus dengan Kanker Payudara = Effect ofLunasin Administration from Soybean Extract on Cyclin D1 Expression Level in Rats with Breast Cancer.

Latar belakang: Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker tertinggi untuk perempuan di Indonesia. Penggunaan bahan alam, yaitu kedelai dapat menurunkan risiko terkena kanker payudara, dengan senyawa bioaktif yang memiliki efek anti-kanker yakni lunasin. Salah satu penyebab utama proliferasi sel yang tidak terkendali adalah gangguan regulasi siklus sel, di mana siklin memainkan peran penting sebagai regulator kunci. Metode: Eksperimental in-vivo menggunakan tikus Sprague Dawley yang diinduksi dengan 7,12Dimethylbenz[a]antrasena (DMBA). Dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yang seluruhnya diberikan DMBA untuk induksi kanker payudara (2mmg/kgBB). Kelompok (1) kontrol negative diberikan DMBA; (2) Kontrol positif diberikan DMBA dan Tamoksifen (10mg/kgBB); (3) Kuratif diberikan DMBA dan ekstrak lunasin (500mg/kgBB); (4) Adjuvan diberikan DMBA, Tamoksifen (10mg/kgBB). Kelompok tanpa perlakuan yakni kelompok normal yang tidak diberi apa-apa. Setelah diterminasi, preparat histopatologi jaringan payudara didapatkan yang kemudian diberikan pewarnaan HE dan IHK. Histoscore digunakan untuk penilaian tingkat ekspresi Siklin D1. Setelah didapatkan data histoscore, analisis data dilanjutkan Hasil: H-score tertinggi adalah kelompok kontrol negatif dengan 75.42%, lalu kelompok kuratif dengan rerata H-score 54.99%, kontrol positif dengan 50.79%, adjuvan dengan 35.04%, dan normal dengan 26.81%. Berdasarkan hasil uji post-hoc, pemberian Tamoksifen dan/ lunasin yang diberikan dapat menurunkan ekspresi siklin D1 secara bermakna. Namun, pemberian lunasin 500mg/kgBB juga tidak bermakna dalam menurunkan ekspresi siklin D1,bila dibandingkan dengan pemberian Tamoksifen 10mg/kgBB saja. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak lunasin dapat menurunkan ekspresi siklin D1, namun tidak signifikan secara statistik bila dibandingkan dengan pemberian adjuvan (kombinasi Tamoksifen dan lunasin) maupun pemberian Tamoksifen saja.
Kata kunci: kedelai, lunasin, siklin D1, kanker payudara

Introduction: Breast cancer ranks the highest for cancer rates for women in Indonesia. the use of natural ingredients like Soy products have been linked to a reduced risk of developing breast cancer, with the bioactive compound thought to have anti-cancer effects is lunasin. It is reported that one of the main causes of uncontrolled cell proliferation is the disruption of cell cycle regulation, in which cyclins play an important role as a key regulator. Method: in-vivo experiment using Sprague Dawley rats induced with 7,12Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). The aim of this study was to determine the effect of lunasin on the expression of cyclin D1 in rats induced with DMBA. Assessment was performed using an immunohistochemistry profiler. All treatment groups were given DMBA (20 mg/kgBW) for breast cancer induction divided into groups (1) Negative control was given DMBA; (2) Positive controls were given DMBA and tamoxifen (10 mg/kgBW); (3) Curative were given DMBA and lunasin extract (500 mg/kgBW); and (4) Adjuvant were given DMBA, tamoxifen (10 mg/kgBW) and lunasin extract (500 mg/kgBW). The group without treatment is (5) the normal group. After termination, histopathological preparations of breast tissue were obtained which were then stained with HE and IHK. The histoscore was used to assess the expression level of Cyclin D1. After obtaining histoscore data from these preparations, data analysis was continued. Result: the highest H-score was the negative control group with 75.42%, then the curative group with a mean H-score of 54.99%, the positive control group with 50.79%, the adjuvant group with 35.04%, and the normal group with 26.81%. Based on the results of the post-hoc test, the administration of Tamoxifen and/or lunasin given to rats with breast cancer could significantly reduce the expression of cyclin D1. However, the administration of lunasin as much as 500mg/kgBW also did not significantly reduce the expression of cyclin D1 in rats with breast cancer when compared to the administration of Tamoxifen 10mg/kgBW alone. Conclusion: The lunasin extract can reduce the expression of cyclin D1 but it is not statistically significant when compared with the adjuvant administration (combination of Tamoxifen and lunasin) or the administration of Tamoxifen alone.
Keywords: soy, lunasin, cyclin D1, breast cancer

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Jogi Saut Pangidoan P.S - Nama Orang
Kusmardi - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 Reguler.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xii, 43 hlm. ; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S22174fkS22174fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Efek Pemberian Lunasin dari Ekstrak Kedelai terhadap Tingkat Ekspresi Siklin D1 pada Tikus dengan Kanker Payudara = Effect ofLunasin Administration from Soybean Extract on Cyclin D1 Expression Level in Rats with Breast Cancer.

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