
Perbandingan Pemelajaran Berbasis Diskusi Dengan Berbasis Simulasi Menggunakan Aplikasi Gas Man® Terhadap Pengetahuan Ambilan dan Distribusi Anestetik Inhalasi Residen Anestesi = Comparison of Discussion Based and Simulation Based Learning Using the Gas Man® on Knowledge of Uptake and Distribution Inhalation Anesthetics of Anesthesia Resident.

Latar Belakang: Dokter anestesiologi dituntut untuk memiliki kompetensi sesuai dengan perkembangan keilmuan. Pengetahuan akan gas anestetik inhalasi merupakan pengetahuan dasar yang wajib dikuasai oleh dokter spesialis anestesiologi. Kurangnya kompetensi tersebut dapat mengakibatkan peningkatan jumlah morbiditas dan mortalitas dalam praktik anestesiologi. Metode pemelajaran yang selama ini dilakukan antara lain diskusi dan pemberian kuliah. Di era pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan informasi saat ini, sudah memungkinkan digunakannya screen based simulation (SBS) dalam bentuk aplikasi untuk pemelajaran anestetik inhalasi bagi residen Anestesiologi, seperti aplikasi Gas Man®. Aplikasi Gas Man® bertujuan untuk membantu peserta didik memahami fisiologi dan patofisiologi obat anestetik inhalasi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan Randomized Controlled Trial. Subjek penelitian merupakan residen Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif FK UI tahun akademik 2022–2023 dengan status aktif Tahap Pembekalan dan Tahap Magang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan tidak termasuk dalam kriteria eksklusi. Sampel dilakukan randomisasi menggunakan halaman web www.randomizer.org, dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok simulasi dan diskusi. Sampel diberikan pre test dan post test, serta mengisi survei kepuasan di akhir kegiatan. Hasil: Kelompok simulasi mendapat nilai median (IQR) post test 80 (76,67- 83,33) sedangkan kelompok diskusi 50 (40-66,67) dengan nilai P=0,000 < 0,05. Masing-masing kelompok memiliki tingkat kepuasan "Puas" 63,2% dan 68,4% (secara berurutan). Kesimpulan: Metode pemelajaran berbasis simulasi dengan menggunakan aplikasi Gas Man® lebih baik jika dibandingkan berbasis diskusi dalam peningkatan pengetahuan ambilan dan distribusi anestetik inhalasi residen Anestesi.
Kata Kunci: Simulasi, diskusi, Gas Man®, screen based simulation, metode pemelajaran

Background: Anesthesiology doctors are required to have competence in accordance with scientific developments. Knowledge of inhalation anesthetic gases is a basic knowledge that must be mastered by anesthesiology specialists. This lack of competence can result in an increasing amount of morbidity and mortality in the practice of anesthesiology. The learning methods that have been carried out so far include discussions and giving lectures. In the current era of rapid development of technology and information, it is possible to use screen based simulation (SBS) in the form of an application for learning inhalation anesthetics for anesthesiology residents, like Gas Man®. Application Gas Man® that aims to help students understand the physiology and pathophysiology of inhalation anesthetic drugs. Methods: This research is a randomized controlled trial. The research subjects were FK UI Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy residents for the 2022–2023 academic year with active status in the Training Stage and Apprenticeship Stage who met the inclusion criteria and were not included in the exclusion criteria. Samples were randomized using the web page www.randomizer.org, divided into two groups, namely the simulation and discussion groups. Samples were given pretest and post-test, and filled out a satisfaction survey at the end of the activity. Results: The simulation group got a median post-test (IQR) score of 80 (76.67- 83.33) while the Discussion Group got 50 (40-66.67) with a value of P=0.000 < 0.05. Each group has a satisfaction level of "Satisfied" 63.2% and 68.4% (respectively). Conclusion: Learning method simulation based using the Gas Man® is better than discussion based in increasing knowledge of inhalation anesthetic uptake and distribution of resident anesthetics. Keywords: Simulation, discussion, Gas Man®, screen based simulation, learning methods

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Lalu Muhammad Safrizal Kurnia Ramdhoni - Nama Orang
Andi Ade Wijaya Ramlan - Nama Orang
Aldy Heriwardito - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Studi Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xvii, 67 hlm. ; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
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T22485fkT22485fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Perbandingan Pemelajaran Berbasis Diskusi Dengan Berbasis Simulasi Menggunakan Aplikasi Gas Man® Terhadap Pengetahuan Ambilan dan Distribusi Anestetik Inhalasi Residen Anestesi = Comparison of Discussion Based and Simulation Based Learning Using the Gas Man® on Knowledge of Uptake and Distribution Inhalation Anesthetics of Anesthesia Resident.

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