
Pediatric’s Giant Bladder Stone: A Proposed New Terminology = Batu Kandung Kemih Berukuran Besar pada Anak: Usulan Terminologi Baru.

Introduction: This current study aims to propose a new term related to giant bladder stones in pediatric patient populations concerning the stone burden, bladder capacity, and renal impairment related to the bladder stone. Methods: Thirty-four children with bladder stones in our center between January 2014 to August 2019 were admitted to the study. Data regarding patient's age, clinical symptoms, dietary history, socioeconomic status, laboratory investigations include complete blood examination, urinalysis and urine culture, presence of hydronephrosis, stone size, nutritional status, and type of procedure were collected. Estimated stone volume (ESV) was measured using Ackermann's formula, while estimated bladder capacity (EBC) was calculated using Koff formulas. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was constructed to determine the best cut-off value for determining what ESV to EBC ratio value at which a bladder stone cause hydronephrosis. Results: Hydronephrosis was noted in 12 patients. A significant difference in the mean ESV and ESV to EBC ratio was found between those two groups (p < 0.001 and 0.006 respectively). ROC curve was used to assess the accuracy of the ESV to EBC ratio as a predictor ofhydronephrosis incidence with the area under the curve 0.768 (95% CI 0.624 to 0.949). Cut-off value of this ESV to EBC ratio is 0.0286 with a sensitivity 94.40%, specificity 62.50%, positive predictive value 73.91%, and negative predictive value 90.90%. Conclusion: We propose to use the term giant in pediatric cases using the EBV to EBC ratio above 0.028. We hope that our work will stimulate other researchers to prospectively evaluate the therapeutic implications of the new terminology.
Keyword: giant, stone, bladder

Pendahuluan dan tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan istilah baru terkait batu kandung kemih berukuran besar pada populasi pasien anak berdasarkan stone burden, kapasitas kandung kemih, dan gangguan ginjal yang berhubungan dengan batu kandung kemih. Metode: Tiga puluh empat anak dengan batu kandung kemih di Rumah Sakit kami antara Januari 2014 hingga Agustus 2019 dimasukkan ke dalam penelitian. Data mengenai usia pasien, gejala klinis, riwayat diet, status sosial ekonomi, pemeriksaan laboratorium termasuk pemeriksaan darah lengkap, urinalisis dan kultur urin, adanya hidronefrosis, ukuran batu, status gizi, dan jenis operasi dikumpulkan. Estimasi Volume Batu (EVB) diukur dengan menggunakan rumus Ackermann, sedangkan Estimasi Kapasitas Kandung Kemih (EKKK) dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus Koff. Kurva Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) digunakan untuk menentukan nilai cut-off terbaik untuk menentukan nilai rasio EVB terhadap EKKK di mana batu kandung kemih menyebabkan hidronefrosis. Hasil: Hidronefrosis tercatat pada 12 pasien. Terdapat perbedaan hasil yang signifikan pada rerata EVB dan rasio EVB terhadap EKKK ditemukan pada kedua kelompok (masing-masing p

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Ali Husein - Nama Orang
Yacobda Hamonangan Sigumonrong - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Urologi.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xii, 15 hlm. ; 21 x 30 cm
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Image of Pediatric’s Giant Bladder Stone: A Proposed New Terminology = Batu Kandung Kemih Berukuran Besar pada Anak: Usulan Terminologi Baru.

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