
Deteksi Antibodi Spesifik Aspergillus Metode Immunochromatography Test (ICT) dan Kaitannya dengan Karakteristik Klinis Pasien TB Paru = Correlation of Aspergillus Immunochromatography Test (ICT) Result and Clinical Characteristic of TB Patients.

Latar belakang: Penyakit tuberkulosis (TB) paru sering mendasari aspergilosis paru kronik (APK). Diagnosis APK masih menjadi tantangan karena gejala klinis dan hasil pemeriksaan tidak khas. Pemeriksaan ICT Aspergillus dilaporkan bermanfaat untuk diagnosis cepat APK, tetapi data tersebut masih terbatas di Indonesia. Data karakteristik klinis pasien TB paru yang mengalami APK juga terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hasil pemeriksaan ICT Aspergillus dan kaitannya dengan karakteristik klinis pasien TB paru. Metode: Penelitian berdesain potong lintang ini berlangsung pada Februari-November 2021, dan merupakan bagian dari penelitan sebelumnya tentang diagnosis APK di Indonesia. Pemeriksaan ICT Aspergillus dilakukan di laboratorium Departemen Parasitologi FKUI sesuai protokol. Adapun data klinis pasien diperoleh dari penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil: Dari 89 pasien TB paru yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, terdapat 50 pasien (56,2%) laki-laki. Sebanyak 42,6% pasien dalam rentang usia 45-64 tahun, 56,2% berpendidikan akhir SMP/SMA, dan 53,9% merupakan pekerja. Karakteristik klinis pasien TB paru dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) normal pada 36 pasien (40,4%). Penyakit asma didapatkan pada 3,4% pasien, penyakit paru obstruktif kronis (PPOK) 4,5%, diabetes mellitus (DM) 16,9%, hipertensi 6,7%, dan kanker paru 1,1%. Hasil ICT Aspergillus menunjukkan hasil positif pada 11 pasien (12,4%). Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan hasil ICT Aspergillus berkaitan dengan variable penyakit dasar berupa asma (p = 0,039). Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara hasil ICT Aspergillus dengan penyakit dasar, yaitu asma (p = 0,039).
Kata kunci: tuberkulosis, aspergilosis, immunochromatography test

Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) often underlies chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA). Diagnosis of CPA is still a challenge because clinical symptoms and examination results are not typical. Aspergillus ICT is reported to be useful for rapid diagnosis of CPA, but the data are still limited in Indonesia. Data on clinical characteristics of pulmonary TB patients with CPA are also limited. This study aims to determine the results of the Aspergillus ICT and its relation to the clinical characteristics of pulmonary TB patients. Methods: This cross-sectional design study took place in February-November 2021, and was part of a previous study on the diagnosis of CPA in Indonesia. Aspergillus ICT was carried out in the laboratory of the Department of Parasitology FKUI according to the protocol. The patient's clinical data were obtained from previous studies. Results: Of the 89 pulmonary TB patients who met the inclusion criteria, there were 50 patients (56.2%) male. As many as 42.6% of patients in the age range of 45-64 years, 56.2% have a final education of SMP/SMA, and 53.9% are workers. The clinical characteristics of pulmonary TB patients in this study showed a normal body mass index (BMI) in 36 patients (40.4%). Asthma was found in 3.4% of patients, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 4.5%, diabetes mellitus (DM) 16.9%, hypertension 6.7%, and lung cancer 1.1%. Aspergillus ICT results showed positive results in 11 patients (12.4%). The results of statistical analysis showed that Aspergillus ICT results were related to asthma as the underlying disease in this study (p = 0.039). Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between Aspergillus ICT results and asthma as the underlying disease in this study (p = 0.039).
Keywords: tuberculosis, aspergillosis, immunochromatography test

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Tahun Terbit

Ayu Saraswati - Nama Orang

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Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 Reguler.,
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xii, 35 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
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S21046fkS21046fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Deteksi Antibodi Spesifik Aspergillus Metode Immunochromatography Test (ICT) dan Kaitannya dengan Karakteristik Klinis Pasien TB Paru = Correlation of Aspergillus Immunochromatography Test (ICT) Result and Clinical Characteristic of TB Patients.

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