
Ekspresi IL-6, IL-6R, dan STAT3 pada sel limfosit dan epitel usus mencit yang diinduksi Dextran Sodium Sulfate dan diberi dadih mengandung Lactococcus Lactis ssp. Lactis = IL-6, IL-6R, and STAT3 Expressions in Intestinal Lymphocyte and Epithelial Cells of Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Mice and Dadih containing Lactococcus Lactis ssp. Lactis.

Inflamasi kronik usus merupakan salah satu faktor etiologi terjadinya kanker kolorektal yang dapat disebabkan oleh disbiosis mikrobiota usus. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan gangguan homeostasis berupa ketidakseimbangan sitokin proinflamasi dan anti-inflamasi. Probiotik diketahui berperan dalam menjaga homeostasis usus. Salah satu probiotik lokal yaitu dadih yang diketahui berpotensi sebagai imunomodulator yang dapat meningkatkan kadar sitokin anti-inflamasi (IL10) dan menurunkan sitokin pro-inflamasi (TNF-α dan IL-1β). Belum diketahui apakah efek sistemik tersebut juga berpengaruh terhadap perbaikan inflamasi di jaringan usus mencit sebagai organ target dan melalui jalur mana efek dadih terhadap perbaikan inflamasi tersebut. Pada penelitian ini melihat perbaikan inflamasi melalui jalur sitokin IL-6, IL-6R, dan STAT3 yang diketahui memiliki peran dalam terjadinya inflamasi usus kronik. Untuk melihat keefektifan dadih dilakukan penelitian menggunakan bahan biologi tersimpan dari jaringan kolon mencit Balb/c. Desain penelitian eksperimental menggunakan 4 kelompok terdiri dari 6 sampel per kelompok yakni, kelompok normal diberi aquades 8 minggu, kelompok (+) dadih diberi dadih 8 minggu (112 mg/20g/BB), kelompok (+) DSS mencit diinduksi DSS konsentrasi 3% sebanyak 3 siklus 6 minggu, serta kelompok uji diberi dadih 8 minggu dan DSS sebanyak 3 siklus. Dadih yang digunakan mengandung bakteri Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis sebanyak 3x107 CFU/gram. Ada beda signifikan ekspresi IL-6 (p=0,024), IL-6R (p=0,029), dan STAT3 (p=0,049) pada kelompok mencit pemberian dadih dengan pemberian DSS. Selain itu ada hubungan signifikan antara tingkat kerusakan kripta jaringan usus mencit yang diinduksi DSS dengan pola ekspresi IL-6, IL-6R, dan STAT3 (p=0,018).
Kata Kunci: Dadih, IL-6, IL-6R, STAT 3, Inflamasi Kronik Usus

Chronic intestinal inflammation is one of the etiological factors of colorectal cancer that may be due to the presence of dysbiosis. This can lead to homeostatic disorders and imbalance of pro-inflammation and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Probiotics play a role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis. One topical probiotic from West Sumatera Barat (Indonesia) is Dadih, which has potency as an immunomodulator known to increase blood levels of antiinflammatory cytokine (IL-10) and decrease pro-inflammatory cytokine (IL-1β and TNF-α). These systemic effects affect the repair of inflammation in mice intestinal tissue as a target organ, and the mechanism by which Dadih's effect on inflammatory repair are unknown. In this study, we focused on the repairment of inflammation by IL-6, IL-6R, and STAT3 pathway, which is thought to have a role in intestinal inflammation. To see the efficacy of Dadih, the study was conducted using Stored Biological Materials collected from colon tissue of Balb/c mice. In the experimental research design used 4 groups: Mice were given distilled water at weeks 1-8, mice were given dadih at weeks 1-8, mice were given distilled water at weeks 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and with 3% of 3 cycle DSS induction at weeks 3, 5, and 7, also mice were given dadih at weeks 1-8 and with combination of DSS induced at weeks 3, 5, and 7. Dadih contains Lactococcus lactis subs Lactis is equivalent to 3x10 7 cfu/g. The results of this study showed that there was a significant difference in the expression of IL-6 (p = 0.024), IL-6R (p = 0.029), and SAT3P (P = 0.049) in the group of mice were given dadih and DSS. In addition, there was a significant correlation between the level of crypt damage in DSS-induced mice in the expression of IL-6, IL-6R, and SAT3 (p = 0.018).
Key Words : Dadih, IL-6. IL-6R, STAT 3, Chronic Intestinal Inflammation

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Ikrimatul Ismi - Nama Orang
Puspita Eka Wuyung - Nama Orang
Ria Kodariah - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Magister Ilmu Biomedik.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xv, 106 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
Tanpa Hardcopy
T21305fkT21305fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Ekspresi IL-6, IL-6R, dan STAT3 pada sel limfosit dan epitel usus mencit yang diinduksi Dextran Sodium Sulfate dan diberi dadih mengandung Lactococcus Lactis ssp. Lactis = IL-6, IL-6R, and STAT3 Expressions in Intestinal Lymphocyte and Epithelial Cells of Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Mice and Dadih containing Lactococcus Lactis ssp. Lactis.

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