
Pengaruh Instabilitas Mikrosatelit terhadap Respon Radioterapi pada Kanker Serviks = The Role of microsatellite Instability on Radiotherapy Response in Cervical Cancer.

Latar belakang: Instabilitas mikrosatelit (MSI) adalah keadaan hipermutabilitas genetik akibat gangguan perbaikan mismatch DNA yang berhubungan karsinogenesis dan progresifitas tumor.MSI berperan dalam sistem DNA Damage Response (DDR) yang mempengaruhi berhentinya siklus sel, perbaikan double strand break (DSB), dan apoptosis. MSI telah diketahui dikaitkan dengan respons yang baik pada kanker kolorektal, atau respons buruk pada kanker endometrium. Peran MSI pada kanker serviks belum jelas karena belum banyak studi tentang hal tersebut. Metode : dua puluh sembilan secara konsekutif total sampling jaringan kanker serviks di RSCM diperiksa dengan Imuhohistokimia dan pasien telah menjalani radioterapi di RSCM pada Januari 2018 hingga desember 2020 . Hasil : kami mendapatkan 3,4% defective-Mismatch Repair/ dMMR dan 96,6% proficient-mismatch repair/pMMR. satu protein MSH6 termutasi.dan protein lainnya normal. karena keterbatasan sampel MSI positif, belum dapat disimpulkan hubungan MSI dengan respon radioterapi dan stadium kanker (p > 0.999) Kesimpulan: MSI ditemukan pada kanker serviks stadium lanjut lokal di Indonesia dalam jumlah lebih sedikit dari MSS dengan prevalensi yang sepadan dengan studi sebelumnya.
Kata kunci : dMMR; Instabilitas Mikrosatelit; Kanker serviks; Respons radioterapi

Background: Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a state of genetic hypermutability due to impaired DNA mismatch repair associated with carcinogenesis and tumor progression. MSI plays a role in the DNA Damage Response (DDR) system that affects cell cycle arrest, double strand break (DSB) repair, and apoptosis. MSI has been known to be associated with a good response in colorectal cancer, or a poor response in endometrial cancer. The role of MSI in cervical cancer is not clear because there are not many studies on it. Methods: Twenty-nine samples consecutively total sampling of cervical cancer tissue at the RSCM were examined by immunohistochemistry and the patients had undergone radiotherapy at the RSCM from January 2018 to December 2020. Results: we got 3.4% dMMR, 96.6% pMMR, one MSH6 protein was mutated, and the other proteins were normal. Due to the limited number of positive MSI samples, it is not possible to conclude the relationship between MSI and radiotherapy response and cancer stadium (p > 0.999). Conclusion: MSI was found in locally advanced cervical cancer in Indonesia in less number than MSS with a prevalence commensurate with previous studies.
Key words: Cervical Cancer; defective Mismatch Repair; Microsatellite Instability; Radiotherapy Response

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Yahya Setiawan - Nama Orang
Sahat B.R.E Matondang - Nama Orang
Hartono Tjahjadi - Nama Orang
Hariyono Winarto - Nama Orang
Handoko - Nama Orang
Soehartati A. Gondhowiardjo - Nama Orang
Sri Mutya Sekarutami - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Onkologi Radiasi.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xv, 65 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
Tanpa Hardcopy
T21247fkT21247fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Pengaruh Instabilitas Mikrosatelit terhadap Respon Radioterapi pada Kanker Serviks = The Role of microsatellite Instability on Radiotherapy Response in Cervical Cancer.

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