
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Urology Practice in Indonesia: A Nationwide Survey = Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 pada Praktik Urologi di Indonesia: Sebuah Survei Nasional .

Introduction and objectives: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected daily practices in health care services. This study aimed to investigate the impact of COVID19 on urology practice in Indonesia. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study using web-based questionnaire (Survey Monkey), which was distributed and collected within a period of three weeks. All practicing urologists in Indonesia were sent an e-questionnaire link via E-mail, WhatsApp Messenger application, and/or short message service, and the chief of residents in each urology centre distributed the e-questionnaire to urology residents. Results: The response rate was 369/485 (76%) among urologists and 220/220 (100%) among urology residents. Less than 10 percent of the responses in each section were incomplete. There are 35/369 (9.5%) of urologists and 59/220 (26.8%) of urology residents had been suspected as COVID-19 patients, of whom seven of them were confirmed to be COVID-19 positive. The majority of urologists (66%) preferred to continue face-to-face consultations with a limited number of patients, and more than 60% of urologists preferred to postpone the majority (66%) or all elective surgery. Most urologists also chose to postpone elective surgery in patient with COVID-19-related symptoms and patient who required post-operative ICU-care. Urologist and urology residents reported high rates of using personal protective equipment, except for medical gowns and N95 masks, which were in short supply. Several uro-oncology surgeries were considered to be the top priority for Indonesian urologist during COVID-19 epidemic period. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decline in urology service in both outpatient clinic and surgery services with uro-oncological procedure as a priority to conduct.
Keywords: COVID-19, urology, elective surgery, personal protective equipment

Pendahuluan dan tujuan: Penyakit virus corona (COVID-19) telah mempengaruhi praktik sehari-hari dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak COVID-19 terhadap praktik urologi di Indonesia. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong-lintang menggunakan kuisioner berbasis web (Survey Monkey) yang didistribusikan dan dikumpulkan dalam waktu tiga minggu. Seluruh dokter urologi yang berpraktik di Indonesia dikirimkan sebuah tautan kuisioner elektronik melalui E-mail, aplikasi Whatsapp Messenger, dan/atau layanan pesan singkat, dan kepala residen dalam setiap pusat urologi mendistribusikan kuisioner elektronik kepada residen urologi. Hasil: Rerata respon adalah 369/485 (76%) pada dokter urologi dan 220/220 (100%) pada residen urologi. Sejumlah kurang dari 10 persen respon [ada setiap bagian didapatkan tidak lengkap. Terdapat 35/369 (9.5%) dokter urologi dan 59/220 (26.8%) residen urologi yang pernah dinyatakan pasien suspek COVID-19, dan tujuh diantaranya dinyatakan positif terkonfirmasi COVID-19. Mayoritas dokter urologi (66%) lebih menyukai melanjutkan konsultasi tatap muka dengan jumlah pasien yang terbatas, dan lebih dari 60% dokter urologi lebih menyukai menunda mayoritas (66%) atau seluruh operasi elektif. Sebagian besar dokter urologi juga memiliki untuk menunda operasi elektif pada pasien dengan gejala terkait COVID-19 da pasien yang membutuhkan perawatan pascaoperasi ICU. Dokter dan residen urologi melaporkan tingginya rerata menggunakan apat pelindung diri, selain gaun medis dan masker N95, yang mana persediaannya terbatas. Beberapa dokter ahli bedah onkologi urologi dipertimbangkan menjadi prioritas utama untuk dokter urologi Indonesia selama masa epidemic COVID-19. Kesimpulan: Pandemi COVID-19 telah menyebabkan penurunan pelayanan urologi baik pada klinik rawat jalan dan pelayanan pembedahan dengan prosedur uro-onkologi sebagai prioritas untuk dilakukan.
Kata kunci: COVID-19, urologi, operasi elektif, alat pelindung diri

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Tahun Terbit

Fakhri Rahman - Nama Orang
Nur Rasyid - Nama Orang

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Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Urologi.,
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xi, 25 hal ; ill; 21 x 30 cm
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Image of Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Urology Practice in Indonesia: A Nationwide Survey = Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 pada Praktik Urologi di Indonesia: Sebuah Survei Nasional .

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