
Studi Tingkat Kebugaran Menggunakan Metode Uji Jalan 6 Menit dan Hubungannya dengan Jenis Pekerjaan pada Pegawai Nonpendidik dan Nonkependidikan Universitas Indonesia Depok = Fitness Level Study Using the 6-Minute Walking Test Method and Its Relationship to the Types of Work of the Noneducator and Noneducational Employees in the Universitas Indonesia Depok.

Metode: Desain yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah potong lintang. Subjek merupakan petugas kebersihan Universitas Indonesia Depok. Jenis pekerjaan pada subjek terbagi menjadi lokasi, durasi, giliran waktu, dan cara kerja subjek yang diisi melalui kuisioner oleh subjek. Tingkat kebugaran subjek didapatkan berdasarkan persentase hasil dan prediksi uji jalan 6 menit yang dilakukan oleh peneliti sesuai pedoman dari ATS. Data tingkat kebugaran dan jenis pekerjaan dianalisis korelasinya dengan Uji Fisher. Hasil: Sebaran jenis pekerjaan pada petugas kebersihan Universitas Indonesia Depok didapatkan berdasarkan lokasi 95,4% bekerja di outdoor, 1,8% bekerja di indoor dan outdoor, dan 2,8% bekerja di tempat yang tidak menentu. Berdasarkan durasi didapatkan 93,6% pekerja bekerja lebih dari 8 jam dan sebanyak 6,4% pekerja bekerja kurang dari 8 jam. Berdasakan giliran waktu kerja sebanyak 94,5% pekerja bekerja pada giliran waktu pagi, sebanyak 1,8% bekerja pada giliran waktu sore, dan sebanyak 3,7% bekerja pada waktu tidak menentu. Berdasarkan cara bekerjanya 100% pekerja bekerja secara fisik. Sebaran tingkat kebugaran melalui uji jalan 6 menit pada petugas kebersihan Universitas Indonesia Depok didapatkan sebanyak 1,83% pekerja tergolong bugar, sebanyak 2,75% pekerja tergolong tidak bugar, dan sebanyak 95,4% pekerja tergolong sangat tidak bugar. Hubungan antara jenis pekerjaan dengan tingkat kebugaran melalui hasil uji jalan 6 menit pada petugas kebersihan UI Depok didapatkan pada hubungan tingkat kebugaran terhadap lokasi, durasi, dan waktu kerja menunjukan tidak adanya hubungan (p > 0,05). Sedangkan pada korelasi antara tingkat kebugaran dengan cara bekerja tidak dapat dihubungkan karena cara bekerja pada subjek konstan. Kesimpulan: Korelasi antara tingkat kebugaran dengan lokasi, durasi, dan waktu kerja tidak memiliki hubungan (p > 0,05), serta tidak dapat dilakukan hubungan antara tingkat kebugaran dengan cara bekerja karena cara bekerja subjek bersifat konstan.
Kata Kunci: Tingkat kebugaran, jenis pekerjaan, uji jalan 6 menit, pegawai nonpendidik dan nonkependidikan UI Depok

Method: The design used in this study is cross-sectional. The subjects are janitors of the Universitas Indonesia Depok. The type of work of the subjects is divided into location, duration, shift time, and how the work of the subjects and it's filled out through questionnaires by the subjects. The fitness level of the subjects was obtained based on the percentage of results and predictions of the 6-minute walking test conducted by the researchers according to the guidelines of ATS. Data on fitness level and type of work were analyzed by correlation with the Fisher Exact Test. Results: The distribution of work types on subjects was obtained based on the location it was found that 95.4% working in outdoor, 1.8% working indoor and outdoor, and 2.8% working in uncertain places. Based on the duration, it was found that 93.6% of workers worked more than 8 hours and 6.4% of workers worked less than 8 hours. Based on work time 94.5% of workers work in the morning shift, 1.8% work in the afternoon shift, and as many as 3.7% works in uncertain times. Based on how it works 100% of workers work physically. The distribution of fitness levels through a 6-minute walk test on subjects was found as many as 1.83% of workers classified as fit, as many as 2.75% of workers were classified as unfit, and as many as 95.4% of workers were classified as very unfit. The relationship between the types of work with the fitness level through the results of the 6-minute walk test that the subjects were found in the relationship of fitness level to location, duration, and work time showed no relationship (p > 0.05). Whereas the correlation between fitness level with how to work cannot be connected because the way to work on subjects was constant. Conclusion: The correlation between fitness level with location, duration, and work time has no relationship (p > 0.05), and there is no relationship between fitness level and work method because the subjects work method is constant.
Keywords: Fitness level, type of work, 6 minute walk test, Noneducator and noneducational employees of the Universitas of Indonesia Depok

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Kemal Akbar Suryoadji - Nama Orang
Menaldi Rasmin - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 Reguler.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xvi, 42 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S20177fkS20177fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Studi Tingkat Kebugaran Menggunakan Metode Uji Jalan 6 Menit dan Hubungannya dengan Jenis Pekerjaan pada Pegawai Nonpendidik dan Nonkependidikan Universitas Indonesia Depok = Fitness Level Study Using the 6-Minute Walking Test Method and Its Relationship to the Types of Work of the Noneducator and Noneducational Employees in the Universitas Indonesia Depok.

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