
Perbandingan Efektivitas pemberian Kurkumin pada pre-post dan post infeksi virus dengue serotipe 2 = The Comparison between the effectiveness of Curcumin administration in pre-post and post infection of Dengue Virus Serotype 2 .

Indonesia adalah negara tropis dengan transmisi Infeksi virus dengue (DENV) yang meningkat saat musim hujan dan menyebabkan Demam Dengue (DD). Sampai sekarang, Infeksi DENV masih merupakan sebuah ancaman kesehatan di dunia tanpa terapi spesifik yang efektif dan dapat bekerja secara tunggal. Rakyat Indonesia memiliki kepercayaan tinggi atas obat herbal, salah satunya yang berasal dari tanaman Kunyit dengan senyawa utama, Kurkumin. Kurkumin terbukti memiliki efek antioksidan, pencegah kanker dan anti-inflamasi yang sudah terbukti melalui uji in vivo dan in vitro. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya membuktikan bahwa kurkumin memiliki efek antivirus terhadap DENV-2 namun mekanisme dari penghambatan replikasi tersebut berupa waktu dimana senyawa kurkumin bekerja paling efektif, belum diketahui secara spesifik. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara in vitro dengan menggunakan lini sel epitel mamalia yaitu Sel Vero yang diinfeksikan DENV-2. Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah membandingkan mekanisme penghambatan inefektivitas replikasi DENV-2 sekaligus persentase viabilitas sel vero pada fase pre-post (whole) dan post infeksi setelah diberikan ekstrak Kurkumin dengan dosis 20 ug/mL. Infektivitas hambatan dan viabilitas sel diteliti melalui metode focus assay dan MTT assay. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, hasil penghambatan inefektivitas pada mekanisme penghambatan pre-post infeksi (whole) dan post infeksi adalah 99,74% ± 3,90 dan 51,31% ± 8,97 secara berurutan. Penelitian untuk viabilitas sel mendapatkan hasil 73,21% dan 81,66% untuk mekanisme pre-post infeksi (whole) dan post infeksi secara berurutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kurkumin memiliki efektivitas dalam mengambat DENV-2 lebih tinggi pada mekanisme pre-post infeksi (whole), dengan persentase penghambatan lebih tinggi serta toksitas lebih rendah dengan viabilitas masih diatas 50%.
Kata kunci: Kurkumin, Virus Dengue (DENV), Penghambatan Replikasi Virus, Sel Vero, PrePost Infeksi, Post Infeksi

Indonesia is a country with a high transmission of dengue virus infection (DENV) which increases during rainy season and causes Dengue Fever (DD). Up to now, DENV infection is still a global health threat without an effective single therapy available. Indonesians favors herbal medicines, one of which is turmeric with Curcumin as its main compound. Through in vivo and in vitro trials, Curcumin has shown to have antioxidant, cancer-preventing and anti-inflammatory effects. Previous studies have shown that curcumin held antiviral effects against DENV-2. However, the exact mechanism of its inhibition, namely the time at which curcumin work most effectively, is not specifically known yet. This research was conducted using Vero cells, which were infected with DENV-2 through in vitro method. The focus of this study was to compare the mechanism of DENV-2 replication inhibition as well as the viability of Vero Cell in the pre-post (whole) and post-infection phases after given curcumin compounds with a dose of 20 ug/mL. Focus assay and MTT assay methods were used in the experiment. Based on the research conducted, the results of ineffectiveness inhibition on the pre-post infection and post infection mechanisms were 99.74% ± 3.90 and 51.31% ± 8.97, respectively. The results for cell viability showed 73.21% and 81.66% for the pre-post infection (whole) and post-infection mechanisms, respectively. The results showed that curcumin is more effective in inhibiting DENV-2 in the pre-post infection mechanism (whole), with a higher percentage of inhibition and less toxicity with viability still above 50%.
Key words: Curcumin, Dengue Virus (DENV), Viral replication inhibition, Vero Cell, Pre-post infection, Post infection

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Indira Putri Suhardi - Nama Orang
Beti Ernawati Dewi - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 Reguler.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xiv, 45 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S20041fkS20041fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Perbandingan Efektivitas pemberian Kurkumin pada pre-post dan post infeksi virus dengue serotipe 2 =  The Comparison between the effectiveness of Curcumin administration in pre-post and post infection of Dengue Virus Serotype 2 .

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