
Hubungan antara Perubahan Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Status Hormonal terhadap Residu Pasca Terapi Kanker Payudara = Association between the Changing of Body Mass Index and Hormonal Status to Residual Breast Cancer after Therapy.

Latar Belakang: Indeks massa tubuh dapat meningkatkan risiko kanker payudara. Pada penelitian sebelumnya didapatkan bahwa indeks massa tubuh yang memasuki kategori obesitas dapat memperburuk prognosis penyakit kanker payudara. Selain indeks massa tubuh, status reseptor hormonal juga menjadi hal yang penting untuk menentukan terapi kanker payudara. Namun, belum diketahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara perubahan indeks massa tubuh sebelum dan sesudah terapi dan status reseptor hormonal terhadap respon terapi kanker payudara yang dinilai dengan ada atau tidaknya residu. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh perubahan indeks massa tubuh dan status reseptor hormonal terhadap respon terapi kanker payudara yang dinilai dengan residu pasca terapi. Metode: Sebanyak 111 data dari rekam medis pasien diambil dengan metode consecutive sampling berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Data indeks massa tubuh didapatkan melalui berat badan dan tinggi badan yang diukur sebelum dan sesudah terapi. Pengukuran dilakukan selama rangkaian pemberian kemoterapi. Jika tinggi badan yang didapatkan pada pengukuran sebelum dan sesudah terapi berbeda, maka akan diambil rata-rata. Sedangkan data status reseptor hormonal didapatkan dengan melihat laporan pemeriksaan immunohistokimia. Untuk melihat respon pasien terhadap terapi digunakan laporan hasil pemeriksaan pencitraan. Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis bivariat yang dilakukan, didapatkan hubungan antara perubahan indeks massa tubuh terhadap residu kanker payudara pasca terapi (p 0,018; p < 0,05). Dan tidak didapatkan hubungan antara status reseptor hormonal dengan residu kanker payudara pasca terapi (p 0,803; p > 0,05) serta hubungan antara status reseptor hormonal dan perubahan indeks massa tubuh secara bersamaan (p 0,087; p > 0,05). Kesimpulan: Peningkatan indeks massa tubuh dapat meningkatkan risiko residu kanker payudara pasca terapi. Sedangkan, status reseptor hormonal tidak memiliki hubungan dengan residu kanker payudara pasca terapi.
Kata Kunci: Kanker Payudara, Indeks Massa Tubuh, Reseptor Hormonal, Residu

Background: Body mass index can increase the risk of breast cancer. In previous studies, it was found that body mass index that categorized as obesity could worsen the prognosis of breast cancer. On the other hand, hormonal receptor status is also important to determine breast cancer therapy. But is not yet known wether there is a relationship between changes in body mass index before and after therapy and the status of hormonal receptor on breast cancer therapy response as assessed by the presence or absence of residual breast cancer. Objective: Knowing the effect of changes in body mass index and hormonal receptor status on the response of breast cancer therapy by assessing the posttreatment residual. Methods: A total of 111 data from the patients’ medical records were taken by consecutive sampling method based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Body mass index data is obtained through body weight and height measured before and after therapy. Measurements were taken during chemotherapy. If the height obtained in the measurements before and after therapy is different, then the average will be taken. While hormonal receptor status data is obtained by looking at immunohistochemical examination reports. To see the patients’ response therapy, the report on the results of imaging tests is used. Results: Based on bivariate analysis, there was an association between changes in body mass index and post-treatment breast cancer residual with (p 0.018; p < 0.05). And there is no association between the status of hormonal receptor with posttherapeutic breast cancer residual (p 0.803; p > 0.05) also there is no association between hormonal receptor status dan changes in body mass index simultaneously (p 0.087; p > 0,05). Conclusion: Increased body mass index can increase the risk of breast cancer residual after therapy. While hormonal receptor status has no association with breast cancer residual after therapy.
Keywords: Breast Cancer, Body Mass Index, Hormonal Receptors, Residual

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Chairunisa Aliya Amani - Nama Orang
Andhika Rachman - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 Reguler.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xv, 40 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S19100FKS19100fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Hubungan antara Perubahan Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Status Hormonal terhadap Residu Pasca Terapi Kanker Payudara = Association between the Changing of Body Mass Index and Hormonal Status to Residual Breast Cancer after Therapy.

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