
Efek Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Malus domestica terhadap Kadar Gula Darah dan Histopatologi Hati pada Tikus Sprague Dawley yang Diinduksi Aloksan = Malus domestica leaves extract effect on blood glucose level and liver histopathology of Alloxan induced Sprague Dawley Rat.

Latar Belakang: Ketersediaan obat antidiabetes yang terbatas merupakan masalah dalam pengobatan diabetes di Indonesia. Indonesia yang memiliki beragam tumbuhan yang memiliki potensi antidiabetes dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut, salah satunya adalah Malus domestica yang memiliki potensi antidiabetes. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak daun apel (Malus domestica) terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah dan perubahan histopatologi hati tikus Sprague Dawley yang diinduksi aloksan. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 tikus Sprague Dawley yang dibagi kedalam 6 kelompok, yakni kelompok normal (tidak hiperglikemik), kelompok kontrol positif dengan pemberian Metformin, kelompok kontrol negatif dengan pemberian akuades, dan tiga kelompok perlakuan yang diberikan ekstrak daun Malus domestica dengan dosis 200mg/kgBB, 400mg/kgBB, dan 600mg/kgBB. Tikus diinjeksikan aloksan dengan dosis 120mg/kgBB secara intraperitoneal. Kemudian tikus diperiksa gula darahnya setelah 4 hari sejak penyuntikkan. Tikus dikategorikan sebagai hiperglikemik jika kadar gula darah mencapai > 200mg/dL dan diberikan perlakuan dalam kurun waktu 16 hari. Kadar gula darah tikus diperiksa pada hari ke-4, 8, 12, dan 16. Setelah 16 hari, tikus dibedah dan diambil hatinya untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan histologis menggunakan pewarnaan haematoxylin and eosin (HE). Data kadar gula darah yang didapatkan akan diuji dengan one-way ANOVA. Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaruh ekstrak daun apel (Malus domestica) yang dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah dan mempengaruhi histopatologi hati dari tikus hiperglikemik. Dosis yang menunjukkan penurunan kadar gula darah paling baik ialah 200 mg/KgBB. Seluruh dosis ekstrak (200, 400, dan 600 mg/KgBB) menunjukkan perbaikan struktur histopatologi hati, sedangkan dosis 400 mg/KgBB dan 600 mg/KgBB menunjukkan efek protektif terhadap komplikasi kerusakan hati. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak daun apel (Malus domestica) dapat menyebabkan penurunan kadar gula darah dan mempengaruhi struktur histologi hati pada tikus hiperglikemik.
Kata kunci: Kadar gula darah, histopatologi hati, Sprague Dawley, Malus domestica, aloksan.

Background: The limited supply of antidiabetic medication is one of the problems of diabetes medication in Indonesia. Natural diversity of Indonesian plants that contained antidiabetic properties could be the option to solve the problem, including Malus domestica, as the plant that is known to have an antidiabetic effect. Objective: This research was done to investigate the effect of Apple (Malus domestica) leaves extract on lowering blood glucose levels and histopathological changes in Alloxan-induced Sprague Dawley rat’s liver. Methods: This study used 24 Sprague Dawley rats that were divided into 6 groups, which was normal group (non-hyperglycemic group), positive control group that was given Metformin, negative control group that was given aquades, and other three groups that was given Apple (Malus domestica) leaves extract with at the dose 200mg/kgBW, 400mg/kgBB, and 600mg/kgBW. The rats were injected with alloxan at the dose of 120mg/kgBW via intraperitoneal. Subsequently after 4 days, the rats blood glucose level were elevated. The rats were categorized as hyperglycemic if their blood glucose levels were at > 200mg/dL and received treatment according to their groups for 16 days. The blood glucose levels were calculated on day 4, 8, 12, and 16. After 16 days, the rats will be dissected and the liver of each rat will be taken for histological examination with Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. The blood glucose levels data will be tested using One-Way ANOVA method. Results: The results showed that the apple (Malus domestica) leaves extract effect on lowering the blood glucose levels and affecting the histopathology structures of hyperglycemic rats. The apple leaves extract at the dose of 200 mg/KgBW showed the most effective results on lowering the blood glucose levels. Furthermore, the apple leaves extract showed improvement on liver histological structures, while at the dose of 400 and 600 mg/KgBW the extract showed protective effects on liver complications. Conclusion: Apple (Malus domestica) leaves extract had an effect on lowering the blood glucose levels and improving the histological structures of rats’ liver.
Keywords: Blood glucose levels, liver histopathology, Sprague Dawley, Malus

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Faizal Dzaky Rahmadika - Nama Orang
FATMAWATY - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 Reguler.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xiv, 43 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S19054fkS19054fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Efek Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Malus domestica terhadap Kadar Gula Darah dan Histopatologi Hati pada Tikus Sprague Dawley yang Diinduksi Aloksan = Malus domestica leaves extract effect on blood glucose level and liver histopathology of Alloxan induced Sprague Dawley Rat.

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