
Factors Affecting Hand Hygiene Compliance in the Perinatology Ward of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.

Introduction: Low hand hygiene compliance is a problem in many healthcare settings. This can be a problem as proper hand hygiene practices have been proven over time to be an effective preventive measure for the spread of Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Knowing the factors that affect hand hygiene compliance can help create more effective hand hygiene programs that is aimed to improve hand hygiene compliance. Methods: This research is a cross-sectional study evaluating the factors that influence hand hygiene i.e. knowledge, perception, motivation, intention, and attitude, conducted in the Department of Child Health’s Perinatology Division of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Fisher’s Exact Test were used to analyze the data. Results: There were 89 respondents that were able to be acquired. All of them were female with an average age of 31.79 years old and 86.5% of them are diplomaeducated. The results show that 93.3% of the respondents displayed “moderate” hand hygiene compliance while only a minority can be classified as having “good” hand hygiene compliance. All the variables that were assessed did not show significant results upon the analysis (p-value > 0.05), therefore, it could be concluded that no association can be made between any of the factors i.e. knowledge, perception, motivation, intention, and attitude, and hand hygiene compliance. Conclusion: The respondents were all female and most were diploma-educated. They showed moderate to moderate compliance. However, an association could not be made between the possible factors (i.e. knowledge, attitude, perception, intention, and motivation) and hand hygiene compliance as the p-values for all of the aforementioned factors were found to be more than 0.05. However, it was found that most of the subjects has moderate compliance despite faring poorly in their knowledge section of the questionnaire. This prompts further discussion about the role of other possible factors and limitations of the study, that may have influenced the results and conclusion of this study.

Pendahuluan. Kepatuhan cuci tangan yang rendah merupakan masalah bagi banyak tempat pelayanan kesehatan. Hal ini bisa menjadi masalah karena praktik cuci tangan sudah terbukti efektif mencegah Healthcare-associated Infections (HAI). Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan cuci tangan agar dapat membantu proses pembuatan program promosi cuci tangan yang lebih efektif. Metode. Studi cross-sectional dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan cuci tangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Divisi Perinatologi Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo. Subyek penelitian adalah perawat yang sedang aktif bertugas. Setelah diobservasi, kuesioner dibagikan kepada subyek-subyek tersebut. Untuk analisis data, penelitian ini menggunakan Fisher’s Exact Test. Hasil. Data dikumpulkan dari 89 responden. Seluruh responden adalah perempuan dan mempunyai usia rata-rata 31.79 tahun. Sebanyak 86.5% lulus D3 dan 93.3% mempunyai tingkat kepatuhan cuci tangan “sedang”. Hanya sedikit yang memiliki kepatuhan cuci tangan yang “baik”. Semua faktor yang telah diteliti, yaitu pengetahuan, persepsi, motivasi, niat, dan sikap) tidak mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan kepatuhan cuci tangan. Kesimpulan. Semua responden yang terkumpul adalah perempuan dan mayoritas lulusan D3. Pengetahuan, persepsi, motivasi, niat, dan sikap terhadap cuci tangan tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan dengan kepatuhan cuci tangan. Walaupun demikian, ditemukan bahwa mayoritas dari subjek penelitian menunjukkan kepatuhan cuci tangan yang sedang meskipun memiliki pengetahuan yang rendah tentang praktik cuci tangan. Hal ini dapat membuka diskusi mengenai batasan-batasan penelitian dan faktor-faktor lain yang dapat berhubungan dengan hasil penelitian ini.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Afiah Salsabila - Nama Orang
Hindra Irawan Satari - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 KKI.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xiii, 45 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S18178fkS18178fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Factors Affecting Hand Hygiene Compliance in the Perinatology Ward of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.

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