
Views of Medical Students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia towards Psychiatry as Disciplines = Views of Medical Students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia towards Psychiatry as Disciplines.

Introduction: Despite mental illnesses continue to be emerging problems in modern society and psychiatry field keeps delivering innovations and scientific breaktrhoughs, stigma towards psychiatry as discipline is still high, especially amongst medical students. Identifying the attitudes of medical students towards psychiatry discipline also relation between exposure to psychiatric clerkship and the length of medical training with differences in students’ attitudes are very important for portraying the adequacy of mental healthcare workforces and the quality of care for mental illness patients further in Indonesia. Identification of the measures which could be taken during medical training to improve the attitudes towards psychiatry as discipline should be done to ensure the better quality of service concerning mental health care further in Indonesia.
Methods: This research used cross-sectional study method, utilizing questionnaire titled “Perception of Psychiatry”. Subjects are students of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia from first, fourth, fifth-year along with alumni of the institution which were selected in random manner. Questionnaire were given online as well as information regarding the research and informed consent. Attained data were analysed using chi-square or fisher method and outlined in table form. Researchers investigate the differences and its significancy between two sample groups (before- and after clinical rotation, first- and fourth-year, also fifth-year and alumni). Moreover, the differences in attitudes are also associated with socio-demographic (genders) data of respondents.
Results: Total respondents who participated in this study was 224 people, with female of 127 people (56.7%) and male of 97 people(43.3%). The mean age of respondents is 21.3 (SD= 2.03). The majority of respondents expressed positive attitudes towards the discipline of psychiatry, which were reflected through their responses for 5 statements within the psychiatry as discipline domain in the questionnaire. Data showed there is no stastically significant differences in value (p > 0.05) comparing students who have passed psychiatric clerkship and those who have not. Duration of study did not show any differences in attitudes towards psychiatry discipline. There were differences of views towards the discipline of psychiatry based on genders, in which female had more positive attitudes compared to male.
Conclusion: Clinical rotation and duration of medical training did not affect the views of medical students towards the discipline of psychiatry in Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia. The majority of respondents, which consist of students and alumni, showed positive attitudes towards the discipline of psychiatry and genders also play a role in determining the views of students towards psychiatry discipline.
Keywords: Medical students, Views, Attitudes, Psychiatry

Pendahuluan: Meskipun penyakit mental di masyarakat modern merupakan masalah yang terus berkembang dan ilmu psikiatri senantiasa memberikan banyak inovasi dan terobosan ilmiah, stigma terhadap disiplin ilmu psikiatri masih tinggi, khususnya bagi mahasiswa kedokteran. Mengetahui bagaimana pandangan mahasiswa kedokteran terhadap disiplin ilmu psikiatri dan hubungan antar rotasi klinik serta lama waktu studi terhadap perbedaan pandangan penting untuk memberi gambaran ketersedian sumber daya kesehatan jiwa kedepannya dan kualitas perawatan pasien dengan penyakit jiwa di Indonesia. Identifikasi hal yang dapat dilakukan selama pendidikan kedokteran untuk memperbaiki pandangan terhadap disiplin ilmu psikiatri perlu dilakukan demi kualitas pelayanan penyakit kejiwaan di Indonesia yang lebih baik kedepannya.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional study menggunakan kuesioner yang berjudul “Perception of Psychiatry”. Subjek adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia pada tahun pertama, keempat, kelima, serta alumni yang dipilih secara random. Kuesioner diberikan secara online bersamaan dengan halaman penjelasan dan persetujuan. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan analisis chi-square atau fisher dan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel. Peneliti melihat perbedaan dan signifikansi antara data dari dua kelompok (sebelum-sesudah rotasi klinik, tahun pertama dan keempat, serta tahun kelima dan alumni). Selain itu, perbedaan juga dibandingkan berdasarkan data sosiodemografis (gender) responden.
Hasil: Jumlah responden yang berpartisipasi dalam studi ini adalah 224 orang, dengan perempuan berjumlah sebanyak 127 orang (56.7%) dan laki-laki 97 orang (43.3%). Rata-rata umur responden adalah 21.3 (SD= 2.03). Mayoritas responden memiliki pandangan yang positif terhadap psikiatri, hal ini berdasarkan respon subjek terhadap 5 pernyataan dalam kuesioner tentang disiplin ilmu psikiatri. Data riset menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan pandangan yang signifikan (p > 0.05) pada mahasiswa yang belum dan telah melewati rotasi klinik psikiatri. Lama studi tidak menunjukkan perbedaan pandangan terhadap disiplin ilmu psikiatri. Terdapat perbedaan pandangan terhadap ilmu psikiatri berdasarkan gender, dengan perempuan memiliki pandangan yang lebih positif dibandingkan laki-laki.
Kesimpulan: Rotasi klinik dan lama waktu studi tidak mempengaruhi pandangan mahasiswa terhadap disiplin ilmu psikiatri secara signifikan di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Mayoritas dari responden yang terdiri dari mahasiswa dan alumni memiliki pandangan yang baik terhadap disiplin ilmu psikiatri dan gender memiliki peran dalam pandangan responden terhadap ilmu psikiatri.
Kata Kunci: Mahasiswa Kedokteran, Pandangan, Sikap, Psikiatri

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Nabilla Merdika Putri Kusuma - Nama Orang
Fransiska Kaligis - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 KKI.,
Deskripsi Fisik
x, 43 hlm. ; 14 x 21 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S17180fkS17180fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Views of Medical Students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia towards Psychiatry as Disciplines = Views of Medical Students of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia towards Psychiatry as Disciplines.

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