
Pola Defekasi Bayi Sehat Usia 0 – 3 Bulan yang Mendapat Air Susu Ibu (ASI)Eksklusif = The Defecation Pattern of Exclusively Breastfed Healthy Infants up to the Age of 3 Months.

Latar belakang: Pola defekasi bayi sehat yang mendapat ASI eksklusif perlu dipahami dengan baik untuk menurunkan risiko terjadinya salah diagnosis sehingga tata laksana menjadi efektif dan kecemasan orangtua berkurang. Penelitian tentang pola defekasi bayi sehat yang mendapat ASI eksklusif masih sedikit di Indonesia. Peningkatan kesadaran orangtua akan pentingnya ASI dan pola defekasi memicu dilakukannya penelitian ini. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran pola defekasi meliputi frekuensi defekasi, konsistensi, dan warna tinja bayi sehat usia 0-3 bulan yang mendapat ASI eksklusif. Metode: Potong lintang dengan mengamati frekuensi defekasi, konsistensi, dan warna tinja bayi sehat ASI eksklusif berusia 0-3 bulan di Jakarta dan sekitarnya selama Oktober-Desember 2017. Bayi dikelompokkan menjadi 4 (Kelompok A berusia 2-7, B 27-33, C 57-63, dan D 87-93 hari). Pengamatan menggunakan lembar pengamatan khusus. selama 7 hari berturut-turut. Hasil penelitian: Sebanyak 120 bayi sehat telah diamati. Rerata frekuensi defekasi kelompok A 4,17 kali (SD 1,86), B 4,16 kali (SD 2,39), C median 2,14 kali (0,14-6,14), dan D median 1,32 kali (0,14-8,29). Konsistensi tinja menurut Bristol Stool Chart kelompok A adalah tipe 6 sebesar 80%, B 73,3%, C 83,3%, dan D 60%. Kelompok D juga memiliki konsistensi tinja tipe 5 26,7%.Warna tinja menurut Bekkali kelompok A 63,3% kuning, 20,0% oranye, 16,7% hijau. Kelompok B kuning 56,7%, oranye 30%, hijau 13,3%. Kelompok C oranye 50%, kuning 40%, hijau 10%. Kelompok D kuning 53,3%, oranye 46,7%, hijau 0%. Kesimpulan: Makin bertambahnya usia, terdapat perubahan pola defekasi bayi sehat yang mendapat ASI eksklusif yaitu berkurangnya rerata frekuensi defekasi, perubahan konsistensi tinja menjadi lunak, dan warna tinja menjadi kuning.
Kata kunci: Air susu ibu, bayi, defekasi.

Background: The normal defecation pattern of exclusively breastfed healthy infants needs to be well understood to reduce the risk of misdiagnosis, therefore appropriate management can be achieved effectively and result in reducing parent’s anxiety. Research on this defecation pattern is scarcely done in Indonesia. As parental awareness of the breastmilk importance and the pattern of baby defecation increased, this study is conducted. Objective: To obtain the details on the defecation pattern of healthy infants age 0-3 months with exclusive breastfeeding regarding the defecation frequency, stool consistency, and color. Method: Cross-sectional study by observing the frequency, consistency, and color of stools in healthy infants exclusively breastfed aged 0-3 months in Jakarta and surrounding areas during October-December 2017. Infants were grouped into 4 (Group A 2-7, B 27-33, C 57-63, and D 87-93 days old), then observed for 7 consecutive days using a special observation sheet. Results: A total of 120 healthy babies have been observed. The mean frequency of defecation from group A, B, C, and D were respectively 4.17 times (SD 1.86), 4.16 (SD 2.39), 2.14 (0.14-6.14), and 1.32 (0.14-8.29). The consistency of stool according to Bristol Stool Chart Group A is type 6 by 80%, B 73.3%, C 83.3%, and D 60%. Group D also has type 5 by 26.7%. The stool color according to Bekkali group A is 63.3% yellow, 20.0% orange, 16.7% green. Group B yellow 56.7%, orange 30%, green 13.3%. Group C orange 50%, yellow 40%, green 10%. Group D yellow 53.3%, orange 46.7%, green 0%. Conclusion: There are changes in the pattern of defecation of healthy infants who receive exclusive breastfeeding following the age. The changes include decreased frequency of defecation, altered consistency of stool becomes soft, and color becomes yellow.
Keyword: Breastfeeding, defecation pattern, healthy infants.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Catur Sapariyanto - Nama Orang
Agus Firmansyah - Nama Orang
Partini Pudjiastuti Trihono - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Anak.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xvi, 45 hlm., 21cm x 30cm
Info Detail Spesifik
T18086fkT18086fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Pola Defekasi Bayi Sehat Usia 0 – 3 Bulan yang Mendapat Air Susu Ibu (ASI)Eksklusif =  The Defecation Pattern of Exclusively Breastfed Healthy Infants up to the Age of 3 Months.

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