
The effectiveness of health education in increasing the knowledge level on pediculosis capitis among students in pesantren in East Jakarta = Efektivitas penyuluhan kesehatan tentang pedikulosis kapitis pada siswi sebuah Pesantren di Jakarta Timur.

Head lice infestation is common in the population in a seedy neighborhood, dense and less knowledge. Thus, to eradicate head lice, people at risk should be given knowledge infested. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of health education about pediculosis capitis in students at a pesantren in East Jakarta. The study design is a pre-poststudy and data taken on March 8, 2014. All the girls pesantren coming on data collection used as research subjects. Data were collected by a questionnaire consisting of 10 questions mode of transmission of head lice. The data was processed with SPSS version 20 and tested with marginal homogeneity. The results showed, before the extension was only 13 female students (17.57%) who have a good knowledge, while there were 27 (36.49%) were female students knowledge and 34 (45.9%) students who scored less. After counseling, knowledge increased to 34 students (45.9%) good knowledge, while knowledge was 20 students, together with knowledgeable less that 20 students (27%). Marginal homogeneity test showed significant differences in knowledge before and after counseling (p

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Jeffrey Ryano Sandakh - Nama Orang
Saleha Sungkar - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 KKI.,
Deskripsi Fisik
viii, 28 hlm., 21cm x 30cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S16204FKS16234fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of The effectiveness of health education in increasing the knowledge level on pediculosis capitis among students in pesantren in East Jakarta = Efektivitas penyuluhan kesehatan tentang pedikulosis kapitis pada siswi sebuah Pesantren di Jakarta Timur.

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