
Analisis hubungan beban kerja mental kuantitatif dan kualitatif berlebih serta faktor risiko lainnya terhadap kejadian nyeri punggung bawah kronik nonspesifik: studi potong lintang pada operator sebuah perusahaan migas on shore di Sumatera Selatan = Analysis between quantitative and qualitative mental workload and other risk factors with nonspecific chronic low back pain: cross sectional study among operators of an on shore oil and gas company in South Sumatera.

Ada perbedaan jumlah penderita Nyeri Punggung Bawah (NPB) diantara operator di sebuah perusahaan migas on shore di Sumatera Selatan berdasarkan lokasi kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi kejadian NPB kronik non spesifik, hubungan antara beban kerja mental kuantitatif dan kualitatif berlebih serta faktor risiko lainnya terhadap kejadian NPB kronik nonspesifik pada operator tersebut. Desain penelitian potong lintang, besar sampel 96 orang yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober-Desember 2016. Pengumpulan data dengan pengisian kuesioner dan pemeriksaan fisik. Didapatkan prevalensi NPB kronik nonspesifik sebesar 32,3%. Dari analisis multivariat didapatkan bahwa beban kerja mental kualitatif berlebih sedang-berat (OR 5,14 IK95% 1,49-17,78), overweight (OR 9,02 IK95% 2,46-33,08), perokok sedang-berat (OR 4,28 IK95% 1,29-14,26), dan duduk lama (OR 3,61 IK95% 1,1311,52) meningkatkan risiko terhadap kejadian NPB kronik nonspesifik. Disimpulkan bahwa beban kerja mental kualitatif berlebih sedang-berat serta stresor kerja lainnya, overweight, perokok sedang-berat, dan duduk lama > 4 jam memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian NPB nonspesifik. Faktor paling dominan terhadap kejadian NPB kronik nonspesifik pada operator di sebuah perusahaan migas on shore adalah overweight.
Kata kunci: NPB kronik nonspesifik, beban kerja mental kuantitatif kualitatif, overweight, operator

Different distribution of Low Back Pain (LBP) existed among operators of an on shore oil and gas company in South Sumatera based on work location. This study aimed to identify prevalence of nonspecific chronic LBP, the relationship between quantitative and qualitative mental workload and other risk factors with nonspecific chronic LBP among operators in that company. The design of this study was cross sectional with 96 samples taken by purposive sampling. This study was held on October-December 2016. The data were obtained by questionnaire and physical examination. The prevalence of nonspecific chronic LBP was 32,3%. From multivariate analysis, moderate-heavy qualitative mental workload (OR 5,14 95%CI 1,49-17,78), overweight (OR 9,02 95%CI 2,46-33,08), moderate-heavy smoker (OR 4,28 95%CI 1,29-14,26), and long periods of sitting > 4 hours (OR 3,61 95%CI 1,13-11,52) had increased risk toward nonspecific chronic LBP. In conclusion, moderate-heavy qualitative mental workload, overweight, moderateheavy smoker, and long periods of sitting > 4 hours were related to nonspecific chronic LBP among operators. The dominant factor toward nonspecific chronic LBP among operators was overweight.
Key words: nonspecific chronic LBP, quantitative qualitative mental workload, overweight, operator

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Ardi Artanto - Nama Orang
Nuri Purwito Adi - Nama Orang
Suryo Wibowo - Nama Orang

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Image of Analisis hubungan beban kerja mental kuantitatif dan kualitatif berlebih serta faktor risiko lainnya terhadap kejadian nyeri punggung bawah kronik nonspesifik: studi potong lintang pada operator sebuah perusahaan migas on shore di Sumatera Selatan = Analysis between quantitative and qualitative mental workload and other risk factors with nonspecific chronic low back pain: cross sectional study among operators of an on shore oil and gas company in South Sumatera.

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