
Korelasi penilaian asma terkontrol pada penderita asma persisten sesudah pemberian kortikosteroid inhalasi dengan menggunakan asthma control scoring system dan asthma control test

The individual parameters to define asthma severity and asthma control overlap significantly. Although correlation exist between the various parameter, no single component can accurately classify all the individual. Validated measures, such as ACT, ACS, ACQ, for assessing asthma control are now available, but no comparison between the existing measures has been performed. Asthma Control Test is a five item self administered survey, scored from 0-5 points and only assessed asthma control from symptom frequency, activity limitation, rescue medication and self-perception of control. Asthma Control Scoring System is a quantitative measure of asthma control incorporating 3 parameters (respiratory symptoms, FEV, and percentage eosinophil in induced sputum as an option parameter). Asthma score is quantified based on 0-100 % for each component. The purposes of this study were to assess the correlation between ACT and ACS in persistent asthmatic patients either before of after inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) treatment. The study design was cohort study and the sample was collected by quota sampling. A total of 32 patients (male 11 persons (34 %) and female 21 persons (66 %) which was diagnosed as persistent asthma fulfilled the criteria of this study. Samples were categorized as mild persistent asthma (53 %), moderate persistent asthma (44 %) and severe persistent asthma (3 %). The correlation of ACS score based on ACT category score before ICS showed no agreement (agreement coefficient (K : 0,06) ; p : 0,86). In contrary, the correlation of ACS score based on ACT category score after ICS showed significantly moderate agreement (K : 0,56 ; p : 0,001). The mean difference of ACT score before and after treatment showed significant level (p : 0,001). Likewise, the mean difference of ACS score before and after treatment showed significant level (p : 0,001). Cut off point of ACS score after inhaled corticosteroid was 60 %. Conclusion: The result showed that there was a moderate correlation statistically significant agreement between ACS and ACT assessment when ACS score of 60% was used as the cut off point.
Keywords: ACT, ACS, mean, score, asthma, persistent

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Allen Widysanto - Nama Orang
Faisal Yunus - Nama Orang
Eddy Surjanto - Nama Orang
Suradi - Nama Orang
Bhisma Murti - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Studi Pulmonologi & Ilmu Kedokteran Respirasi.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xvii, 73 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
TWF553A425k2006TWF553A425k2006Perpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Korelasi penilaian asma terkontrol pada penderita asma persisten sesudah pemberian kortikosteroid inhalasi dengan menggunakan asthma control scoring system dan asthma control test

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