
Perubahan Kadar Senyawa Karbonil Pada Hati dan Plasma Tikus yang di Induksi CCl 4 diikuti Pemberian Ekstrak Air Cengkeh = Alteration of Carbonyl Compounds Level in Rat’s Liver and Plasm Which Induced by CCl 4 and Followed by Administration of Water Extract of Cloves .

Pendahuluan: Radikal bebas menjadi masalah serius karena dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit lewat mekanisme perusakan DNA, protein, lipid, dan karbohidrat. Cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum) dipercaya memiliki efek antioksidan yang kuat. Penelitian ini akan mencari tahu efek antioksidan ekstrak air cengkeh terhadap kerusakan hati dan plasma akibat CCl 4 dan perbedaan akibat lama pemberian. Metode: Desain penelitian adalah eksperimental in vivo. Data didapat dengan mengukur konsentrasi senyawa karbonil pada hati dan plasma 24 tikus Wistar yang dibagi ke dalam 6 kelompok, yaitu Kontrol Normal (tanpa perlakuan), Kontrol Positif ( CCl 4 diikuti α-tokoferol), Kontrol Negatif (induksi CCl 4 ), Cengkeh 1 (cengkeh selama 1 hari), CCl 4 +Cengkeh 1 (CCl 4 diikuti cengkeh selama 1 hari), serta CCl 4 +Cengkeh 3 (CCl 4 diikuti cengkeh selama 3 hari). Dosis Cengkeh 200 mg/ kgBB. Hasil: Hasil uji hati didapat kadar karbonil Kontrol Negatif lebih rendah dibanding CCl 4 +Cengkeh 1 (p=0.257) tetapi lebih tinggi dibanding CCl 4 +Cengkeh 3 (p=0.91). CCl 4 +Cengkeh 1 lebih tinggi dibanding Kontrol Normal (p=0.005) dan CCl 4 +Cengkeh 3 (p=0.008). Hasil uji plasma didapat kadar karbonil Kontrol Negatif lebih rendah dibanding CCl 4 +Cengkeh 1 (p=0,008) tetapi lebih tinggi dibanding CCl 4 +Cengkeh 3 (p=0,085). Kesimpulan: Cengkeh memiliki efek antioksidan yang mampu mengatasi kerusakan hati dan plasma akibat CCl 4 dan waktu 3 hari merupakan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menunjukkan efek.
Kata Kunci: Syzygium aromaticum, antioksidan, senyawa karbonil, CCl 4 , tikus Wistar

ntroduction: Free radicals is a serious problem because it can cause various diseases through the mechanism of destruction of DNA, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) is believed to have strong antioxidant effect. The aim of this study was to find out the antioxidant effects of water extracts of cloves to damage the liver and plasm due to CCl4 and difference in duration of administration. Methode:The study design was experimental research in vivo. Data obtained from measurement of carbonyl concentration in 24 Wistar rats liver and plasm which are divided into 6 groups: Normal Control (without treatment), Positive Control (CCl 4 followed by α-tocopherol), Negative Control (induction CCl 4 ), Cloves 1 (clove for 1 day), CCl 4 +Clove 1 (CCl 4 followed cloves for 1 day), and CCl 4 viii +Clove 3 (CCl 4 followed cloves for 3 days). Dose of cloves was 200 mg/kgBB. Result: The results of liver test obtained the carbonyl level in Negative Control is lower than CCl 4 +Cloves 1 (p=0257) but higher than CCl 4 +Clove 3 (p=0.91). CCl 4 +Cloves 1 is higher than Normal Control (p=0.005) and CCl 4 +Clove 3 (p=0.008). The test results obtained plasm carbonyl level in Negatif Control is lower than CCl 4 +Cloves 1 (p=0.008) but higher than CCl 4 +Clove 3 (p=0.085). Conclusion: Cloves have antioxidant effects that can overcome the liver and plasm damage caused by CCl 4 and it considered that 3 days the time required to show an effect. Keywords: Syzygium aromaticum, antioxidant, carbonyl compounds, CCl 4 , Wistar rats

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Kusmawanto - Nama Orang
Ani Retno Prijanti - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 Reguler.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xv, 39 hlm., 21cm x 30cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S16172FKS16172FKPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Perubahan Kadar Senyawa Karbonil Pada Hati dan Plasma Tikus yang di Induksi CCl 4 diikuti Pemberian Ekstrak Air Cengkeh = Alteration of Carbonyl Compounds Level in Rat’s Liver and Plasm Which Induced by CCl 4 and Followed by Administration of Water Extract of Cloves .

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