
Relationship between the Severity of Pediculosis Capitis and the Level of Hygiene Behavior among Female Students in a Pesantren in Jakarta = Derajat Keparahan Pedikulosis dan Hubungannya dengan Tingkat Perilaku Kebersihan Santriwati sebuah Pesantren di Jakarta.

Pediculosis capitis is a disease in which Pediculus humanus capitis infest the head of a person. Young age, poor environmental hygiene, and overcrowding have been reported to be risk factors of pediculosis capitis, but whether personal hygiene behavior is a risk factor is still open for debate. This cross sectional study aims to find out relationship between the severity of pediculosis capitis and the level of hygiene behavior among female students in a pesantren in Jakarta. Data collection was performed on March 2014 in a Pesantren in Jakarta. Every female students were taken as subjects and undergone head examination to diagnose pediculosis capitis. Subjects were diagnose positive if the parasite or the nits were found in their head, and negative if both parasite and nits were absent. Infestation is considered mild if there were 10 parasite or nits found. Afterwards, the subjects filled in questionnaire consisting of 6 questions regarding their hygiene behavior associated with pediculosis capitis. Hygiene behavior is considered good if the score achieved was ≥ 70 and poor if the score was ≤ 69. Data was processed with SPSS version 20.0 and tested with chi square. From this study, there were 71 subjects with the age of 10–17 years old, all of them (100%) were positive for pediculosis capitis; 59.2% were severely infected with the nits and 16.9% were severely infected with the lice. As many as 85.9% were considered as having poor hygiene behavior and only 14.1% were considered having good hygiene behavior. There was no relationship between the severity of nits infestation and hygiene behavior (chi square, p=0.73), nor between lice infestation and hygiene behavior (chi square, p=1.00). The relationship between the severity and hygiene behavior was not significant in this study due to the high prevalence of pediculosis capitis.
Keywords: pediculosis, hygiene behavior, female students, pesantren

Pedikulosis kapitis adalah penyakit yang disebabkan infestasi Pediculus humanus capitis di kepala manusia. Faktor risikonya adalah usia muda, kebersihan lingkungan buruk, dan populasi padat, sedangkan perilaku kebersihan perorangan masih diperdebatkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan keparahan pedikulosis dengan perilaku kebersihan santriwati sebuah pesantren di Jakarta. Pada studi cross sectional ini data diambil bulan Maret 2014. Semua santriwati dijadikan subjek penelitian lalu dilakukan pemeriksaan kepala untuk mendiagnosis pedikulosis. Subjek dinyatakan positif jika ditemukan tuma dewasa, nimfa, larva atau telur. Infestasi ringan jika tuma atau telurnya berjumlah 10. Santriwati diwawancara dengan bantuan kuesioner berisi 6 pertanyaan perilaku kebersihan yang berhubungan dengan pedikulosis. Perilaku dikatakan baik jika skor ≥70 dan buruk jika ≤69. Data diproses dengan SPSS versi 20.0 dan diuji dengan chi square. Didapatkan hasil, 71 subjek berusia 10– 17 tahun dan semuanya (100%) terinfestasi pedikulosis; 59,2% terinfeksi berat oleh telur dan 16,9% terinfeksi berat tuma P.capitis. Sebanyak 85,9% berperilaku kebersihan buruk dan 14,1% berperilaku baik. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara derajat keparahan pedikulosis (infestasi telur) dan perilaku kebersihan (chi square, p=0.73), maupun infestasi tuma dan perilaku kebersihan (chi square, p=1.00). Derajat keparahan pedikulosis dengan perilaku kebersihan tidak berhubungan karena tingginya prevalensi pedikulosis.
Kata kunci: Pediculosis kapitis, perilaku kebersihan, santriwati, pesantren

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Maharani Pradnya Paramitha - Nama Orang
Saleha Sungkar - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 KKI.,
Deskripsi Fisik
viii, 26 hlm., 21cm x 30cm
Info Detail Spesifik
S16010FKS16010FKPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Relationship between the Severity of Pediculosis Capitis and the Level of Hygiene Behavior among Female Students in a Pesantren in Jakarta = Derajat Keparahan Pedikulosis dan Hubungannya dengan Tingkat Perilaku Kebersihan Santriwati sebuah Pesantren di Jakarta.

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