
Evaluasi Penggunaan Restricted Antibiotic di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo = Evaluation Restricted Antibiotic Use in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.

Latar belakang Restricted antibiotics adalah golongan antibiotik spektrum luas yang termasuk dalam kategori lini 3 kebijakan dan pedoman penggunaan antibiotik PPRA. Restricted antibiotics digunakan secara global terkait dengan banyaknya kejadian resistensi bakteri. Penggunaan restricted antibiotic yang tidak tepat dapat menimbulkan masalah resistensi hingga superinfeksi yang lebih besar, peningkatan mortalitas dan biaya pengobatan. Restriksi pemberian antibiotik ini didasarkan pada risiko resistensi yang lebih besar yang dapat ditimbulkannya, toksisitas dan pertimbangan farmakoekonomik. Tujuan Untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan restricted antibiotic di IGD RSCM Metode Penelitian dilakukan secara kohort prospektif, deskriptif dengan mengambil data pasien usia > 18 tahun yang mendapatkan restricted antibiotic di IGD RSCM selama periode 29 Juli-31 September 2015. Kuantitas penggunaan restricted antibiotic dievaluasi dengan metode ATC/DDD WHO (DDD/100 bed-days) dan kualitas penggunaan restricted antibiotic dievaluasi dengan metode Gyssen. Biaya penggunaan restricted antibiotic dihitung berdasarkan ketetapan biaya oleh RSCM. Penelitian ini juga melihat gambaran dan kesesuaian hasil kultur kuman dengan terapi yang diberikan serta menilai outcome klinik pasien yang mendapatkan restricted antibiotic di IGD RSCM. Hasil penelitian Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kuantitas penggunaan restricted antibiotic mencapai 78,3 DDD/100 bed-days dengan penggunaan terbanyak adalah meropenem dan sefepim. Sebanyak 86,7% restricted antibiotic diberikan secara empirik. Hasil pemeriksaan kultur kuman dan uji kepekaan kuman menunjukkan Acinetobacter baumannii dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa merupakan isolat kuman yang menunjukkan resistensi terhadap beberapa restricted antibiotic. Berdasarkan kriteria Gyssen, penggunaan restricted antibiotic termasuk kategori tepat sebesar 45,7%. Biaya terbesar penggunaan restricted antibiotic terdapat pada meropenem dan sefepim. Sebanyak 34 pasien meninggal selama perawatan dengan hasil kultur yang tidak sesuai dengan restricted antibiotic yang digunakan. Kesimpulan Kuantitas penggunaan dan prevalensi ketidaktepatan penggunaan restricted antibiotic secara umum cukup tinggi di IGD RSCM. Beberapa bakteri menunjukkan resistensi terhadap beberapa restricted antibiotic.
Kata kunci: restricted antibiotic, defined-daily dose, resistensi antibiotik, outcome klinik.

Background Restricted antibiotics have been used globally due to high prevalence of bacterial resistance. The inappropriate use of restricted antibiotic contributes significantly to the increase of antimicrobial resistance with many consequence such as risk of toxicity, increase of mortality and cost of treatment. Restriction of these antibiotics based on risk of resistance, toxicity and pharmacoeconomics considerations. Objective To evaluate the use of restricted antibiotic in adult patients in emergency unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Methods We performed descriptive, cohort prospective study of adult patients those admitted to the emergency unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. We reviewed the medical record and electronic health record every day. Subject were patients aged more than 18 years old who received restricted antibiotic from July 29 to September 31, 2015 and all patients were followed up every day until they discharged from hospital. The use of restricted antibiotics were quantitavely evaluated using the ATC/DDD system (DDD/100 bed-days) and qualitatively analyzed using the Gyssen method. All the cost of restricted antibiotic use were calculated using standard price in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. This study also assess the clinical outcome and the pattern of sensitivity test of patient those received restricted antibiotic in emergency unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Results The study results showed that the quantity of restricted antibiotic were 78,3 DDD/100 bed-days during July 29 to September 31, 2015 in the emergency unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. The most frequently used restricted antibiotic were meropenem dan sefepim. Restricted antibiotic used as empiric therapy was 86.7%. The culture and sensitivity test results showed that Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolate that have resistance to several restricted antibiotics. Only 45.7% restricted antibiotic use were considered to be definitely appropriate based on Gyssen method. Meropenem and cefepim contribute to the higher cost during hospitalization and 34 patients used restricted antibiotic died during treatment have non concurrent of sensitivity to restricted antibiotic used. Conclusion The quantity of restricted antibiotic and prevalence of inappropriate restricted antibiotic use in this emergency department of Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital was generally high. Some bacterias have been resistance to several restricted antibiotic.
Keywords: restricted antibiotic, defined-daily dose, antimicrobial resistance, clinical outcome.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Sakura Muhammad Tola - Nama Orang
Instiaty - Nama Orang
NAFRIALDI - Nama Orang
Lie Khie Chen - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
T 16 008 FK
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Farmakologi Klinik.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xvi, 78 hlm.; 20 x 29 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
T16008FKT16008FKPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Evaluasi Penggunaan Restricted Antibiotic di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo = Evaluation Restricted Antibiotic Use in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.

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