
Signal Peptide and Androgen Dependency of Serpina1f in the Mouse Epididymis. = Signal Peptide dan Ketergantungan Androgen Serpina1f di Epididimis Mencit.

Epididymis is a part of male reproductive system that plays important role in sperm maturation process. This process occurs by the interaction between proteins secreted by epididymal epithelial cells with sperm. Many of the genes that regulate the protein involved in this process have not been understood completely, such as Serpina1f. The objective of this research is to identify its signal peptide as basic information to further learn its function, and androgen dependency to early select whether this gene could be a target for a nonhormonal male contraception. SignalIP 4.0 was used to predict the presence of signal peptide in its amino acid sequence, while the androgen dependency analysis was performed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR using RNA samples from gonadectomized mice and gonadectomized mice plus androgen therapy. The result showed that Serpina1f contained signal peptide at the first 27 amino acid sequence, while its expression fluctuated according to androgen level. It can be concluded that Serpina1f encodes a secretory protein and it is an androgen dependent gene.
Key words: Epididymis, sperm, androgen, contraception.

Epididymis is a part of male reproductive system that plays important role in sperm maturation process. This process occurs by the interaction between proteins secreted by epididymal epithelial cells with sperm. Many of the genes that regulate the protein involved in this process have not been understood completely, such as Serpina1f. The objective of this research is to identify its signal peptide as basic information to further learn its function, and androgen dependency to early select whether this gene could be a target for a nonhormonal male contraception. SignalIP 4.0 was used to predict the presence of signal peptide in its amino acid sequence, while the androgen dependency analysis was performed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR using RNA samples from gonadectomized mice and gonadectomized mice plus androgen therapy. The result showed that Serpina1f contained signal peptide at the first 27 amino acid sequence, while its expression fluctuated according to androgen level. It can be concluded that Serpina1f encodes a secretory protein and it is an androgen dependent gene.
Key words: Epididymis, sperm, androgen, contraception.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

MAWIN MAHEN - Nama Orang
Dwi Ari Pujianto - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : .,
Deskripsi Fisik
30 cm ; 21
Info Detail Spesifik
S13247fkS13247fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Signal Peptide and Androgen Dependency of Serpina1f in the Mouse Epididymis. = Signal Peptide dan Ketergantungan Androgen Serpina1f di Epididimis Mencit.

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