
Profil Antibodi Antiglikoprotein Permukaan Trombosit Pada Pasien Trombositopenia Imun Primer Dewasa = Antiplatelet Glycoprotein Antibody Profile In Adult Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia Patients

Latar Belakang: Proses destruksi trombosit pada pasien trombositopenia imun primer diduga terutama terjadi melalui perantaraan antibodi terhadap glikoprotein permukaan trombosit. Antibodi anti-GPIIb/IIIa dan anti-GPIb/IX merupakan antibodi yang spesifik terhadap trombosit dan megakariosit. Beragamnya karakteristik klinis serta respon terapi pada pasien trombositopenia imun dipikirkan dipengaruhi oleh heterogenitas kompleks glikoprotein spesifik. Belum ada data tentang profil antibodi antiglikoprotein permukaan trombosit pada pasien trombositopenia imun primer dewasa. Tujuan: Mengetahui profil antibodi antiglikoprotein permukaan trombosit pada pasien trombositopenia imun primer dewasa. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang dengan subjek pasien trombositopenia imun primer dewasa di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo pada bulan Maret-Oktober 2013. Variabel yang diteliti adalah antibodi anti-GPIIb/IIIa dan anti-GPIb/IX dengan teknik MAIPA direk. Hasil: Didapatkan 40 subjek selama penelitian. Sebanyak 10 subjek dengan diagnosis trombositopenia imun primer newly diagnosed yang belum mendapatkan terapi dan 30 subjek trombositopenia imun primer persisten/kronik yang sudah atau pernah mendapatkan terapi di Poliklinik Hematologi Onkologi Medik Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam RSUPNCM selama penelitian. Median usia seluruh subjek adalah 24,5 tahun (rentang 17-55) dengan 82,5% subjek berjenis kelamin perempuan. Tujuh puluh persen subjek memiliki skor ITP Bleeding Score (IBLS) 2. Persentase respon komplit, respon, dan tidak respon terhadap terapi kortikosteroid adalah 42,5%, 45%, dan 12,5%. Pada kelompok trombositopenia imun kronik/persisten proporsi antibodi anti-GPIIb/IIIa adalah 20/30 dengan median optical density (OD) 0,461(rentang 0,093-2,116) dan proporsi antibodi anti-GPIb/IX adalah 25/30 dengan median OD 0,507(rentang 0,190-1,924). Pada kelompok trombositopenia imun newly diagnosed proporsi antibodi anti-GPIIb/IIIa adalah 7/10 dengan rerata OD 0,802±0,71 dan proporsi antibodi anti-GPIb/IX adalah 8/10 dengan rerata OD 0,82±0,57. Simpulan: Sebesar 85% pasien trombositopenia imun primer memiliki antibodi anti-GPIIb/IIIa dan anti-GPIb/IX. Terdapat proporsi respon terhadap terapi yang hampir sama antara subjek yang memiliki maupun tidak memiliki antibodi antiGPIIb/IIIa dan anti-GPIb/IX.
Kata Kunci: antibodi antiglikoprotein, anti-GPIb/IX, anti-GPIIb/IIIa, trombositopenia imun primer

Background: Platelet destructions in immune thrombocytopenia was mediated by autoantibodies against platelet antigen. Antibody anti-GPIIb/IIIa and anti-GPIb/IX were two major antibodies spesific for platelet and megakaryocytes. The diversity of clinical characteristics and therapeutic responses was thought to be influenced by heterogeneity of spesific glycoprotein complexes. There were no data about antiplatelet antibody profile in adult primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Objectives: To find out antiplatelet glycoprotein antibody profile in adult primary immune thrombocytopenia. Methods: This is a cross sectional study of adult primary immune thrombocytopenia patients who attend Hematology Medical Oncology Polyclinic Internal Medicine Department Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in March to October 2013. Antibodies against the platelet GPIIb/IIIa and GPIb/IX were performed by direct MAIPA technique. Results: A total of 40 patients who had been diagnosed with primary immune thrombocytopenia attended to Polyclinic Hematology Medical Oncology Internal Medicine Department Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during the study. The subjects divided in two groups, 10 subjects with newly diagnosed ITP, and 30 subjects with persistent or chronic ITP. Median age for this study is 24,5 (17-55) years, with 82,5% were female. Seventy subjects have ITP Bleeding Score (IBLS) 2. Response to corticosteroid therapy in all subjects were complete response 42,5%, response 45%, and no response 12,5%. In persistent/chronic ITP group proportion of anti-GPIIb/IIIa is 20/30 with median optical density (OD) 0,461(0,093-2,116) and proportion of anti-GPIb/IX is 25/30 with median OD 0,507(0,190-1,924). In newly diagnosed ITP group proportion of anti-GPIIb/IIIa is 7/10 with mean OD 0,802±0,71 and proportion of anti-GPIb/IX is 8/10 with mean OD 0,82±0,57. Conclusion: Eighty five percent of primary immune thrombocytopenia have antibody anti GPIIb/IIIa and anti GPIb/IX. In response to therapy, there were similary response between subjects that with and without antibody anti-GPIIb/IIIa and anti-GPIb/IX.
Keywords: antiplatelet glycoprotein antibodies, anti-GPIb/IX, anti-GPIIb/IIIa, primary immune thrombocytopenia

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Fransiska - Nama Orang
Djumhana Atmakusuma - Nama Orang
Lugyanti Sukrisman - Nama Orang
Murdani Abdullah - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Studi Ilmu Penyakit Dalam.,
Deskripsi Fisik
30cm; 90hlm.
Info Detail Spesifik
T14150fkT14150fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Profil Antibodi Antiglikoprotein Permukaan Trombosit Pada Pasien Trombositopenia Imun Primer Dewasa = Antiplatelet Glycoprotein Antibody Profile In Adult Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia Patients

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