
Pengaruh penambahan intensitas penerangan terhadap astenopia pada pengrajin tenun industri informal = The impact of increasing illumination intensity to the occurance of asthenopia in formal weavers industry.

Latar Belakang: Astenopia (kelelahan mata) merupakan kumpulan gejala kelelahan mata dan kelelahan tubuh secara keseluruhan, yang lebih banyak didapati pada pekerja yang menggunakan penglihatan dekat. Pengrajin tenun informal berisiko terhadap terjadinya astenopia dikarenakan aktifitas pekerjaan nya memerlukan ketajaman penglihatan dalam jangka waktu yang lama, apalagi para pengrajin tenun informal ini melakukan aktivitas pekerjaannya didalam lingkungan kerja dengan penerangan yang substandar yang diakibatkan oleh karena kebersihan ruang kerja yang tidak baik (langit-langit, genteng kaca dan lampu yang kotor) serta lampu-lampu yang ada tidak berfungsi secara maksimal. Penelitian ini menganalisa pengaruh penambahan intensitas penerangan terhadap astenopia pada pengrajin tenun informal di desa Troso. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental pre dan post tanpa kontrol dengan intervensi berupa penambahan penerangan menjadi minimal 200 lux dengan cara membersihkan ruang kerja ( langit-langit, lampu, genteng kaca) serta mengganti atau menambah daya dan jumlah lampu selama 5 hari kerja pada ruang kerja terhadap 35 pengrajin tenun informal. Diagnosa astenopia berdasarkan 3 parameter yaitu keluhan subjektif, penurunan amplitudo akomodasi dan pemanjangan near point convergence. Keluhan subyektif diperoleh dari wawancara. Pengukuran amplitudo akomodasi dengan metode push up dan pengukuran near point convergence menggunakan alat RAF binocular gauge. Data lingkungan kerja diperoleh dengan melakukan pengukuran suhu dan kelembaban dengan alat Indeks Suhu Basah Bola serta pencahayaan dengan luksmeter. Hasil Penelitian: Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan, proporsi astenopia setelah bekerja pre dan post intervensi tidak mengalami perubahan yaitu sebesar 97,1 %. Proporsi astenopia pre intervensi dari keluhan subjektif 54,3% dan post intervensi 45,7%. Berdasarkan penurunan amplitudo akomodasi mata kanan pre intervensi 94,3% , post intervensi 74,3% dan mata kiri pre intervensi 85,7%, post intervensi 74,3%. Sedangkan berdasarkan pemanjangan near point convergence pre intervensi 40% dan post intervensi 71,4%. Sebelum intervensi tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara usia, status pendidikan, status gizi, lama kerja menggunakan penglihatan dekat, kondisi lingkungan (penerangan dan iklim kerja) dengan terjadinya astenopia (p >0,05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan astenopia antara pre dan post intervensi secara keseluruhan, namun terjadi perbaikan yang bermakna pada amplitudo akomodasi setelah dilakukan intervensi (p=0,001).
Kata kunci : astenopia, intensitas penerangan, amplitudo akomodasi, near point convergence

Background: Asthenopia (eye strain) is a group of symptoms whic includes eye strain and general fatique of the body as a whole, which is most often seen in workers who use their eyes to do close distant work. Weavers are at risk for developing asthenopia due to the nature of the work that requires acumen of vision for long periods of time. The substandard illumination present in their workplace due to dirtyness of the cieling, glass roof and the lamps, also the available lamps did not work properly. It puts them at a higher risk for developing asthenopia. This research analyzes the impact of increasing illumination intensity towards the occurance of asthenopia in informal weavers in Troso village. Methode: This research uses a pre and post experimental design without control and with intervention in the form of increasing illumination intensity to minimum 200 Lux with cleaned the work station (cieling, glass roof and lamps), also changed or added power and numbers of the lamp for 5 working days in work place to 35 informal weavers. The diagnosis of asthenopia is made based on 3 parameters which are subjective complains, decreased in the amplitude of accomodation and lenghtening of the near point convergence. The subjective complains are acquired from interview. Push up methode is used to measure amplitude of accomodation and near point convergence measure is done by using an instrument called a RAF binocular gauge. Environmental data is acquired by measuring temperature and humidity by using Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index and intensity of illumination by a luxmeter. Result: From the research it was found that the proportion of asthenopia pre and post intervention was as big as 97.1%. The proportion of asthenopia that was present before intervention that was based on subjective complain was 54.3% and after intervention was 45.7%. Based on decreased amplitude of accomodation of the right eye, the incident of asthenopia pre intervention was 94.3% and post intervention was 74.3% and for the left eye the pre intervention result was 85.7% and post intervention was 74.3 %. Based on lengthening of the near point convergence the pre intervention result was 40% and post intervention was 71.4%. Before the intervention, there was no relationship between ages, level of education, nutricion status, length of time short sighted working, environmental condition (illumination and work enviromental climate) with the development of asthenopia (p>0.05) There was no difference in the incidence of asthenopia pre and post intervention as a whole, however there was a significant improvement in the amplitude of accomodation after intervention was done.
Key Words : asthenopia, illumination intensity, amplitude of accomodation, near point convergence

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Indah Pratiwi Ersanty - Nama Orang
Nusye E. Zamsiar - Nama Orang
Setyawati Budiningsih - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : .,
Deskripsi Fisik
xiii, 77 hal., lamp. 6
Info Detail Spesifik
T13311fkT13311fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Pengaruh penambahan intensitas penerangan terhadap astenopia pada pengrajin tenun industri informal = The impact of increasing illumination intensity to the occurance of asthenopia in formal weavers industry.

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