
Kesiapan mahasiswa tahap klinik FKUI dan persepsinya terhadap self directed learning = Clinical stage students' perception of self directed learning and its implementation in FMUI (Qualitative).

Latar belakang: Self directed learning merupakan bagian dari konsep student centered learning, telah diterapkan dalam kurikulum pendidikan kedokteran di Indonesia sejak 2005 diterapkannya Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) di FKUI. Pengukuran kesiapan SDL pada mahasiswa tahap klinik serta korelasinya dengan nilai akademik akan memberikan informasi mengenai sampai sejauh mana SDL diterapkan oleh mahasiswa. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi menggunakan metode focus group discussion yang dilakukan di FKUI pada bulan April hingga Juni 2013 dengan melibatkan 3 kelompok mahasiswa. Tiap kelompok terdiri dari 8 mahasiswa dengan topik persepsi mengenai SDL dan penerapannya di pendidikan tahap klinik yang telah diukur kesiapannya melakukan SDL. Hasil: Karakteristik mahasiswa peserta FGD cukup variatif dan mewakili mahasiswa FKUI tingkat 4 dengan sebaran skor tertinggi dan terendah sama banyak. Mahasiswa memahami SDL sebagai proses pembelajaran yang ditentukan oleh mahasiswa sendiri baik dalam hal sasaran pembelajaran dan metode pembelajarannya. Penerapan SDL di tahap klinik sebagian besar sudah sesuai dengan konsep SDL dengan beberapa area yang perlu diperbaiki seperti waktu rotasi diharapkan lebih panjang dan teratur, kesempatan lebih banyak berinteraksi dengan pasien dan belajar berdasarkan kasus, adanya tutorial, peningkatan kualitas dan komitmen dosen dan pelatihan PPDS yang terlibat dalam pendidikan mahasiswa serta kesempatan yang sama bekerja di RS jejaring merupakan area yang mahasiswa harapkan lebih ditingkatkan. Simpulan: Mahasiswa tahap klinik tingkat 4 FKUI telah memiliki persepsi yang baik mengenai SDL. Persepsi yang positif ini akan memberikan kesiapan yang cukup baik bagi penerapan SDL pada pendidikan kedokteran. Sesuai dengan kesiapan dan persepsi yang baik mahasiswa terhadap SDL kurikulum dalam tingkat modul maka staf pengajar harus lebih disiapkan untuk mendukung penerapan SDL di tahap klinik.
Kata Kunci: self-directed learning, pendidikan kedokteran tahap klinik, persepsi mahasiswa terhadap SDL, penerapan SDL di tahap klinik

Background: Self-directed learning (SDL) as part of student-centered learning concept has been applied in the medical education curriculum in Indonesia since the implementation of Competency Based Curriculum in FMUI on 2005. SDL readiness score on students in clinical stage has never been evaluated before. The correlation of the score and academic grades will give us information on how much SDL is being practice by the students. Method: This is a qualitative study with phenomenology approach using focus group discussion in FKUI from April to June 2013. The FGD performed in 3 groups, each group consists of 8 students. Questions asked in the discussion were about their perception on SDL and how it was applied in clinical stage medical education from their point of view. Result: The characteristics of the students participating in FGD represent the general characteristics of 4 th grade medical students. Those student have been scored for SDL readiness using the Endang Lestari modified SDLRS questionnaire. The group contained student who achieved the highest and the lowest scores. The students understand SDL as a learning process that is determine by themselves in regards of the aim and method of learning. In the clinical stage SDL has been well applied by the students, but still need some improvement especially in setting the duration and schedule, more patient interaction and case-based learning. Tutorial and teacher commitment, as well as education training for the residents in charge in student learning, and more opportunity in other training, are the areas that need to be improved from the student point of view of clinical teaching and learning. Conclusion: Clinical stage student has good perception on SDL. This positive perception will prepare the students better for active learning as the implementation of SDL in medical education. As the readiness and the good perception of the students toward SDL, improvement on the curriculum and quality of teachers must be guaranteed to support and practice SDL in clinical stage teaching and learning.
Keywords: self-directed learning, clinical stage medical education, student perception toward SDL, implementation of SDL in clinical stage

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Syska Widyawati - Nama Orang
Anwar Jusuf - Nama Orang
Setyawati Budiningsih - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Megister Pendidikan Kedokteran.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xvii, 80 hal., lamp. 7
Info Detail Spesifik
T13290fkT13290fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Kesiapan mahasiswa tahap klinik FKUI dan persepsinya terhadap self directed learning = Clinical stage students' perception of self directed learning and its implementation in FMUI (Qualitative).

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