
Perbedaan laju induksi inhalasi pada anak: perbadningan antara sevofluran ditambah oksigen dengan sevofluran ditambah oksigen dan N2O = The difference of inhalation induction time in pediatric patients: comparison between sevoflurane combined with oxygen and sevoflurane combined with oxygen and nitrous oxide.

Latar Belakang. Nitrous oxide merupakan gas anestesia inhalasi yang sering 2 ditambahkan pada saat induksi anestesia inhalasi pada anak. Kontroversi penggunaan N O sendiri masih ada hingga saat ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan laju induksi anestesia, respons hemodinamik, dan 2 komplikasi yang timbul selama menggunakan N O saat induksi inhalasi anestesia pada pasien anak. 2 Metode. Delapan puluh orang anak usia 1-5 tahun ASA 1 dan 2 yang menjalani anestesia umum, dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok perlakuan secara acak. Kelompok A sevofluran 8 vol% ditambah oksigen, dan kelompok B sevofluran ditambah oksigen dan N O 50%. Hasil utama yang diukur adalah laju induksi, dan hasil lainnya adalah respons laju nadi, tekanan darah sistolik, diastolik, serta insidens komplikasi desaturasi, eksitasi, laringospasme, dan breath holding.. 2 Hasil. Laju induksi kelompok B yaitu 35+8.13 detik, lebih cepat dibandingkan kelompok A yaitu. 54.12+5.89 detik Respons laju nadi, tekanan darah sistolik, tekanan darah diastolik tidak berbeda bermakna di antara kedua kelompok. Insidens komplikasi desaturasi dan laringospasme tidak terjadi pada penelitian ini. Eksitasi terjadi lebih sedikit pada kelompok B yaitu 10.3% dibandingkan 26.8% pada kelompok A, namun tidak bermakna secara statistik. Breath holding terjadi pada 2 orang (4.9%) di kelompok A, dan tidak terjadi di kelompok B, insidens breath holding tidak berbeda bermakna antara kedua kelompok. Kesimpulan. Laju induksi inhalasi pada anak menggunakan sevofluran ditambah oksigen dan N2O lebih cepat dibandingkan tanpa N2O Respons hemodinamik dan insidens komplikasi tidak berbeda bermakna antara kedua kelompok.
Kata kunci: induksi, inhalasi, anak, sevofluran, N2O, nitrous oxide

Background. Nitrous oxide is an anesthetic agent that are often added during inhalation induction of anesthesia in pediatric patients. Controversy over the use of N 2 O is still there to this day. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the induction time of anesthesia, hemodynamic response, and the complications that arise during the use of N O inhalation induction of anesthesia in pediatric. 2 Methods. Eighty children aged 1-5 years old ASA 1 and 2 who underwent general anesthesia, were divided into 2 treatment groups at random. Group A was 8 vol% sevoflurane plus oxygen, and group B was oxygen plus sevoflurane and 50% N O. We measured the induction time, hemodynamic response heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and also the incidence of complications desaturation, excitation, laryngospasm, and breath holding. 2 Result. Induction time of group B was 35+8.13 seconds, faster than group A 54.12 + 5.89 seconds. The response of heart rate, systolic blood and diastolic blood pressure was not significantly different between the two groups. Desaturation and laryngospasm did not occur in this study. Excitation occurs less in group B that was 10.3% compared to 26.8% in group A, but that was not statistically significant. Breath holding occurred in 2 pat ients (4.9%) in group A, and did not occur in group B, breath holding incidence also did not differ significantly between the two groups. Conclusion. Inhalation induction time in children using sevoflurane, oxygen and N2O was faster, than without N2O. Hemodynamic response and the incidence of complications was not significantly different between groups.
Keywords:induction, inhalation, children, sevoflurane, N2O, nitrous oxide

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Image of Perbedaan laju induksi inhalasi pada anak: perbadningan antara sevofluran ditambah oksigen dengan sevofluran ditambah oksigen dan N2O = The difference of inhalation induction time in pediatric patients: comparison between sevoflurane combined with oxygen and sevoflurane combined with oxygen and nitrous oxide.

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