
Profil pasien pediatrik yang menjalani terapi radiasi di departemen radioterapi rsupn-cm tahun 2009-2011 = Profile of pediatric patients irradiated in departement of radiotherapy at RSUPN-CM.

Kanker pada pediatrik jarang, hanya sekitar 2% dari seluruh beban angka kanker di dunia. Namun demikian, angka kesembuhan pada pasien kanker anak termasuk tinggi, terutama di negara maju, sehingga kualitas hidup pasien pasca terapi menjadi perhatian penting. Adapun jenis dan pendekatan penanganan pasien pediatrik dengan keganasan berbeda dengan pada pasien dewasa. Berdasar penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa pasien pediatrik yang menjalani radiasi di Departemen Radioterapi RSCM terbanyak adalah adalah tumor SSP (44%), karsinoma nasofaring (12,3%), dan retinoblastoma (8,5%), dengan 79% intensi radiasi bersifat kuratif. Perlakuan terapi radiasi pada anak sudah dibedakan dan mendapat perhatian khusus dibandingkan orang dewasa, dalam aspek dosis (dosis total, dosis per fraksi, pengecilan lapangan); namun masih dirasakan kurang dalam aspek teknik, terapi suportif, penanganan multidisiplin, ketersediaan protokol anak, monitoring dan follow up).
Kata kunci : radioterapi, pediatrik

Pediatric cancer is rare, only about 2% of the total cancer burden in the world. However the cure rate in pediatric cancer patients is potentially high, making the post treatment quality of life of a pediatric patient is very important. Additionally, the type of tumor and the approach of treatment are different between pediatric and adult patients. Based on this study, the most common pediatric patients undergoing radiation therapy in the Dept of Radiotherapy RSCM are brain tumors (44%), nasopharyngeal cancer (12,3%), and retinoblastoma (8,5%) patients, with 79% of them had curative intention of treatment. Pediatric patients had received special approach of treatment that differed from adult, including the dosimetry aspect (total dose, dose per fraction, shrinkage of irradiated field); however, special approach from other aspects, such as the radiation technique, supportive care, multidisciplinary approach, pediatric protocol, monitoring and follow up, still need to be improved.
Keywords : radiotherapy, pediatrics

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Angela Giselvania - Nama Orang
Soehartati Gondhowiardo - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Onkologi Radiasi.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xi, 62 hal., Il., 28 cm, Lamp. 2
Info Detail Spesifik
T12325fkT12325fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Profil pasien pediatrik yang menjalani terapi radiasi di departemen radioterapi rsupn-cm tahun 2009-2011 = Profile of pediatric patients irradiated in departement of radiotherapy at RSUPN-CM.

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