
Residual effect of bacillus thuringiensis israelensis against aedes aegypti in common household containers in Jakarta.

Background : Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a public health problem in Indonesia. Biological controls such as Bacillus thurigiensis var israelensis (Bti) has been implicated as a possible control of DHF. However its efficacy against Ae. aegypti is not known. The aims of the study is to know residual effect of Bti in common household containers. This study is conducted in Department of Parasitology Universitas Indonesia from April to June 2010. A liquid formulation of Bti with a concentration of 4 mg/m2 and three common household containers were used. Each container was added 100 third instar larvae of Ae. aegypti. Mortality count was done in 24 hour after the addition of the larvae. The results showed that in the first week there was 100% mortality in all containers. In the second week concrete and plastic containers had mortality >70%, except for water treated ceramic container (44%). In the third week, none of the water containers had mortality rate of 70%. Ceramic has the least residual effects compared to concrete or plastic containers. In conclusion, liquid formulation of Bti could not be used as vector control as its efficacy only lasted up to 1-2 week. There is no association between the type of containers with the mortality of Ae. aegypti larvae.
Keywords: Bacillus thurigiensis israelensis, common household containers, plastic, ceramics, concrete, residual effect, liquid formulation.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Leonard Tangguh - Nama Orang
Saleha Sungkar - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
: .,
Deskripsi Fisik
35 lembar; Il., 25cm; Lamp. 2
Info Detail Spesifik
S12001fkS12001fkPerpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Residual effect of bacillus thuringiensis israelensis against aedes aegypti in common household containers in Jakarta.

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