
Profil penderita katarak dan pterigium di Kalimantan Timur : Analisis faktor resikopaparan sinar ultraviolet

Purpose: To determine the role of ultraviolet light exposure to the prevalence and clinical characteristics ofcataract and pterygium, in people aged 50 years and older living in East Kalimantan. Methods: An observational cross sectional study was carried out for people aged 50 years and older from 85 clusters area that were randomly selected. Individual ultraviolet light exposure were measured qualitatively by grouping demographic data (age, sex, ocupation, daily outdoor activity, habitual protective eyewear) as indicators. Clinical characteristic of cataract (type of opacity, nucleus colour) and pterygium (grade of comeal invation, existence of inflamation) were measured with penlight, binocular loupe, and direct ophthalmoscope. Correlation between ultraviolet light exposure with prevalence and clinical characteristic ofcataract and pterygium were analyzed. Results: Among 2424 samples, we found overall 31.7 % prevalence of cataract. Prevalence of cataract were significantly higher in older group (OR 4.9-67.2 [Cl 95 %]) but lower in outdoor ocupation group (OR 0.7 [Cl 95 %]) and low habitual protective eyewear (OR 0.7 [Cl 95 %]). According to the type of opacity, cortical cataract prevalence were significantly higher in high outdoor activity (OR 3.5 [Cl 95 %]), nuclear cataract prevalence were higher in male (OR 1.7 [Cl 95 %]) and older group (OR 9.5 [Cl 95 %]), mixed cataract prevalence were higher in older group (OR 2.8-45.6 [Cl 95 %]), subcapsular cataract prevalence have no correlation with the quality of ultraviolet light exposure. According to the nucleus colour, there are trend toward darker nucleus with increasing age (p for trend < 0.001), indoor occupation (p for trend 0.004), and low habitual protective eyewear (p for trend 0.040). Pterygium were found in 19.7 % samples. Prevalence of overall pterygium were significantly higher in outdoor occupation (OR 1.7 [Cl 95 %]) but we found no correlation between ultraviolet light exposure and pterygium clinical characteristic. Furthermore, we found that eyes with pterygium would have higher risk to have concurrent cataract (OR 1.3 [Cl 95 %]). Conclusions: Ultraviolet light exposure has a significant role in prevalence and clinical characteristic of cataract, and also in prevalence of pterygium. This role further supported by fact that pterygium eyes has a higher risk to have concurrent cataract.

Judul Seri
Tahun Terbit

Samsul Rizal Ziaulhak - Nama Orang
Tjahjono D. Gondowiardjo - Nama Orang
Johan A. Hutauruk - Nama Orang

No. Panggil
Jakarta : Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Mata - FKUI.,
Deskripsi Fisik
iii, 76 hal; ill; 21 x 30 cm
Info Detail Spesifik
TWW260Z64p2007TWW260Z64p2007Perpustakaan FKUITersedia
Image of Profil penderita katarak dan pterigium di Kalimantan Timur : Analisis faktor resikopaparan sinar ultraviolet

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