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Korelasi antara Asupan Seng dan Kadar Seng Serum dengn Kadar C-reactive protein pada Pasien Kanker Kepala dan Leher
2017 | BY Diana Sunardi - Ikhwan Rinaldi - Muningtya Philiyanisa Alam
  • Correlation between Zinc Intake and Zinc Serum Levels with C-reactive Protein Level in Head and Neck Cancer Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T17150fk


Perbandingan Rerata Kadar Besi Dan Seng Pada Rambut Dan Serum Pasien Kanitis Prematur Dengan Kontrol Sehat Serta Hubungannya Terhadap Derajat Keparahan Kanitis Prematur
2022 | BY Arleen Rainamira A. - Lili Legiawati - Muhammad Ilyas - Triana Agustin - Windy Keumala Budianti
  • Comparison ofThe Mean Hair and Serum Level ofIron and Zinc Between Premature Canities Patients and The Healthy Population and Its Relationship with The Severity ofPremature Canities.
  • Nomor Panggil T22460fk


Hubungan Kadar Zinc dan Kalsium dalam Serum dan Cairan Folikel dengan Ekspresi mRNA GDF9 terhadap Maturasi Oosit
2020 | BY Budi Wiweko - UPIK ANGGRAHENI - Achmad Kemal Harzif - Indah Suci W
  • Association Between Serum and Follicular Levels of Zinc and Calcium and GDF9 mRNA Expression Towards Maturation of Oocytes.
  • Nomor Panggil T20149fk