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Pengaruh Implantasi Eksosom dan Stimulasi Auditori Binaural Beat terhadap Perubahan Profil Gangguan Neurodevelopmental pada Anak
2023 | BY Ahdinar Rosdiana Dewi - Yetty Ramli - MAYZA, Adre
  • The Effect of Exosome Therapy and Binaural Beat Auditory Stimulation on Profile Changes of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children.
  • Nomor Panggil T23097fk


Perbandingan stimulasi antara rekombinan FSH dan HMG sebagai obat stimulasi ovarium terkontrol dengan luaran fertilisasi in vitro di klini melati RSAB Harapan Kita
2019 | BY Agus Supriyadi - Achmad Kemal Harzif - Wael Oemar Al Jaidy
  • Comparison of in vitro fertilization outcome with recombinant FSH or HMG as a drug used in the controlled ovarian stimulation at Melati Clinic, Harapan Kita Child and Mother Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T19458fk


Peran Stimulasi pada Fungsi Kognitif Anak Perawakan Pendek dan Normal Usia Prasekolah di Jakarta
2019 | BY Ika Citra Dewi Tanjung - Rini Sekartini - Hartono Gunardi
  • The Role of Stimulation in the Cognitive Function of Preschool Children with Normal and Short Stature in Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil T19204fk


Efek stimulasi elektromagnetik terhadap kekuatan kontraksi otot dasar panggul pasca persalinan pervaginam
2018 | BY Syahniar Mukmina - Fernandi Moegni - Rodri Tanoto
  • Effect of electromagnetic stimulation to the strength of pelvic floor muscle contraction after vaginal delivery.
  • Nomor Panggil T18501fk


Perbedaan Indeks Apoptosis Sel Granulosa Program Fertilisasi In Vitro Antara Kelompok Elektroakupunktur Dengan Elektroakupunktur Sham
2018 | BY Nadia Oktari - Adiningsih Srilestari - Christina L. Simadibrata - Andon Hestiantoro
  • The Differences in Granulosa Cell Apoptosis Index In Vitro Fertilization Program Between Electroacupuncture Groups with Sham Electroacupuncture.
  • Nomor Panggil T18464fk


Perbedaaan Indeks Maturasi Oosit, Laju Fertilisasi, Kadar GDF9 dan BMP15 Program Fertilisasi In Vitro antara Kelompok Elektroakupunktur dengan Elektroakupunktur Sham
2018 | BY Ayu Cintani Kusuma - Hasan Mihardja - Adiningsih Srilestari - Andon Hestiantoro
  • The differences in Oocyte Maturation Index, Fertilization Rate, GDF9 and BMP15 Level in In Vitro Fertilization Program between Electroacupuncture and Electroacupuncture sham Group.
  • Nomor Panggil T18463fk


Efek Akupunktur Tanam Benang dan Transcutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (TTNS) terhadap Volume Berkemih, Nilai Post Void Residual (PVR), Qmax, dan Skor Kualitas Hidup Penderita Detrusor Underactivity (DU)
2018 | BY Harrina E. Rahardjo - Edith Anggina - Adiningsih Srilestari - Ira Mistivani - Christina Lanny Simadibrata
  • The Effect of Thread-Embedding Acupuncture and Transcutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (TTNS) in Voided Volume, Post Void Residual (PVR), Qmax, and Quality of life scoring changes of Detrusor Underactivity (DU) Patients
  • Nomor Panggil T18122fk


Pengaruh stimulasi oral beckman terhadap kemampuan oral feeding pada bayi prematur yang menggunakan feeding tube
2006 | BY Ellyana Sungkar - Tri Damiati Panji - Dahlan Muchlis
  • Nomor Panggil TWB410S957p2006


Titik Potong Kadar AMH Sebagai Peramal Keberhasilan Stimulasi Ovarium dengan Klomifen Sitrat pada Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik
2014 | BY YUWONO SRI NEGORO - Andon Hestiantoro - Wachyu Hadisaputra
  • AMH cutoff level as ovarium stimulation success predictor in PCOS receiving clomiphene citrate
  • Nomor Panggil T14114fk


Perbedaan Perkembangan dengan instrumen Bayley Scales of Infants and Toddler Development edisi III terhadap Stimulasi Metode Glenn Doman dan Metode Kemenkes pada Bayi Usia 6-12 bulan
2014 | BY Otty Mitha Sevianti - Soedjatmiko - RISMA KERINA KABAN
  • Difference in Developmental Aspects of Glenn Doman and Kemenkes Stimulation Method with Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (BSID) Third Edition Instrument for Infants at age 6 – 12 months.
  • Nomor Panggil T14078fk