Hasil Pencarian

✨ 29 results found - Searched 21967 records in 5ms.


Efek terapi pendekatan perilaku emosi rasional pada kepatuhan pengobatan anti retro viral perempuan yang terinfeksi HIV/AIDS.
2012 | BY SURILENA - R. Irawati Ismail - Irwanto - Budi Utomo
  • The effect of rational emotive behavior based therapy on anti retroviral therapy adherence in HIV-positive women.
  • Nomor Panggil D12015fk


Penilaian Kebutuhan Dukungan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psikososial Petugas Kesehatan di Indonesia pada Gelombang Kedua Pandemi COVID-19
2022 | BY Deviana Putri Sadikin - Gina Anindyajati
  • Assessment of the Need for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Health Workers in Indonesia during the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Nomor Panggil S22123fk


The impact of mental health promotion using webinar towards mental health stigma among third-year pre-clinical students ofFaculty ofMedicine Universitas Indonesia
2022 | BY Vania Tri Anggraeni - Natalia Widiasih Raharjanti
  • Dampak promosi kesehatan jiwa menggunakan webinar terhadap stigma kesehatan jiwa pada mahasiswa pre-klinik tahun ketiga Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
  • Nomor Panggil S22060fk


Pengaruh Edukasi terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa mengenai Penilaian Risiko Kekerasan (Violence Risk Assessment) Orang dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ)
2019 | BY Calvin Wijaya - Natalia Widiasih Raharjanti
  • Effects of Education on the Level of Knowledge of Psychiatrists Regarding Violence Risk Assessment of People with Mental Illnesses.
  • Nomor Panggil S19032fk


The Association between Bullying Experience and Cigarette Intake among Adolescents in Jakarta .
2016 | BY Rananda Anggakara Hendarmo - Tjhin Wiguna
  • Nomor Panggil S16218fk


The Relationship Between Educational Levels and Mental Status Among Domestic Violence Victims in Policlinic Department of Psychiatry RSCM Jakarta Kekerasan, GAF
2017 | BY Amyra Andia Nissa - Khamelia
  • Hubungan Antara Tingkat Pendidikan dan Status Kejiwaan Antara Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga di Poliklinik Departemen Psikiatri RSCM Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S17185fk


Hubungan Beban Kerja Mental Dengan Kelelahan Pada Staf Pemandu Lalu Lintas Udara (PLLU) Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Tangerang, Provinsi Banten
2017 | BY Citra Kurniasari Ilyas Nampira - Herman Mulijadi - Ambar Roestam
  • The association between mental workload and fatigue in Air Traffic Controller at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten Provinces.
  • Nomor Panggil T17325fk


Hubungan Beban Kerja Mental, Unit Kerja, dan Masa Kerja terhadap Peningkatan Tekanan Darah pada Pekerja Jakarta Air Traffic Service Centre (JATSC) di Bandar Udara Soekarno Hatta
2017 | BY Srimpi Indah Z. Paminto - Trevino Aristarkus Pakasi - Mirza Irwanda
  • The Relationship of Mental Workload, Work Unit, and Length of Work with Increased of Blood Pressure among Jakarta Air Traffic Service Centre (JATSC) Workers at Soekarno Hatta Airport .
  • Nomor Panggil T17293fk


Hubungan Faktor Usia, Status Kesehatan Fisik, dan Aksesibilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan dengan Terjadinya Gangguan Jiwa di Rumah Tahanan Wanita
2015 | BY Rezza Mahandhika - Hervita Diatri
  • Relationship among Age, Physical Helath Status, and Accessibility Health Care Service with The Occurence of Mental Disorder in Women Jail Inmates.
  • Nomor Panggil S15201FK


Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Fungsi Kognitif Anak Usia 6-15 Tahun Dengan Pemeriksaan The School Years Screening Test For Evaluation Of Mental Status Revised (SYSTEMS-R)
2019 | BY Yetty Ramli - Danya Philanodia Dwipurwantoro - Adre Mayza - Ahmad Yanuar
  • Relationship of Nutrional Status and Cognitive Function of 6-15 Years Old Child With The School Years Screening Test For Evaluation Of Mental Status Revised (SYSTEMSR).
  • Nomor Panggil T19541fk