Hasil Pencarian

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Gambaran faktor usia terhadap angka kejadian kanker ovarium di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta berdasarkan pemeriksaan histopatologik tahun 2003-2007.
2009 | BY Ahmad Yusran - Endah Zuraidah
  • The Description of Age to Prevalence of Ovarian Cancer in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta Based on histopathological Examination from 2003-2007.
  • Nomor Panggil S09178fk


Penilaian retention factor (RF) hasil degradasi biologik tetra eter lipid dalam formulasi lipisom EPC-TEL 2,5 pada hepar mencit.
2009 | BY Anggaditya Putra - Siti Farida - Ernie H. Purwaningsih
  • Nomor Panggil S09152fk


The Impact of Prolonged and Intermittent Fasting on The Expression of Oct4 as a Pluripotency Biomarker in New Zealand White Rabbits Liver
2020 | BY Marcello Mikhael Kadharusman - Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto
  • Pengaruh puasa intermiten dan prolonged terhadap ekspresi Oct4 sebagai biomarker pluripotency di sel liver New Zealand White Rabbit.
  • Nomor Panggil S20032fk


Hubungan faktor rnetabolik dengan respons inflamasi pada sindrorn koroner akut pasien diabetes rnelitus tipe 2. Kajian efek kurkurnin terhadap faktor rnetabolik dan respons inflamasi pada sindrorn koroner akut.
2006 | BY Idrus Alwi - T. Santoso - Slamet Suyono - Bambang Sutrisna
  • The relationship of metabolic factor and inflammatory responses in acute coronary syndrome of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients. Study of curcumin effects on metabolic factor and inflammatory responses in acute coronary disease.
  • Nomor Panggil D06007fk


Uji Kesahihan dan Keandalan Alat Ukur Skala Pemulihan Pasien Skizofrenia.
2024 | BY Tjhin Wiguna - Khamelia Malik - Anggi Aviandri Putra - A.A.A.A Kusumawarhani
  • Nomor Panggil T24121fk


Peran hypoxia inducible factor-1 alfa (HIF-1 alfa) dalam pengaturan ekspresi renin.
2010 | BY Ani Retno Prijanti - Mohammad Sadikin - Septelia Inawati Wanandi - Rondang R Soegianto
  • Nomor Panggil D10003fk


Efek Ekstrak Daun Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa L.) dalam Nanopartikel Kitosan terhadap Ekspresi Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Jaringan Kolon Mencit yang Diinduksi Dekstran Sodium Sulfat
2019 | BY Suryati Rahmah Ramadhoani - Kusmardi
  • Effect of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa L.) Leaf Extract Loaded in Chitosan Nanoparticles in ReducingTumor Necrosis Factor-α Expression on Colon of Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Mice.
  • Nomor Panggil S19143fk


Hubungan Faktor Risiko Anemia Terhadap Prevalensi Anemia Mahasiwa Baru Sebuah Universitas di Depok
2019 | BY Irfan Arieqal Hatta Ampri - Dhanasari Vidiawati Sanyoto
  • The Relationship between Risk Factor of Anemia and the Prevalence of Anemia in students of a University in Depok.
  • Nomor Panggil S19140fk


Regenerasi tulang rawan hialin pada defek osteokondral melalui penyuntikan intraartikular suspensi sel punca CD34+ darah tepi manusia, asam hialuronat, TGF-beta1, FGF dan fibronektin pada tikus spraque dawley.
2013 | BY Basuki Supartono - Errol Untung Hutagalung - Arief Boediono - ISMAIL
  • Hyaline cartilage in osteochondral defect by intraartriculary injecting human's peripheral blood CD34+ stem cell suspension, hyaluronic acid, and TGF-beta1, IGF, FGF, and fibronectin to spraque dawley rats.
  • Nomor Panggil D13004fk