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Pengaruh Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. pada tikus yang diberi latihan fisik aerobik terhadap disfungsi endotel dan stres oksidatif akibat pertambahan usia
2015 | BY Donna Adriani Kusumadewi Muhammad - Minarma Siagian - Dewi Irawati
  • The effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. and aerobic exercise on endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress caused by increasing age in rats.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 517 FK


Efek Hiperoksi Hiperbarik Terhadap Isi Sekuncup, Frekuensi Denyut Jantung, dan Curah Jantung Dengan Kerja Fisik Submaksimal Di Kedalaman 5 Meter Pada Penyelam Kopaska
2015 | BY Dewi Sumaryani Soemarko - Suhadi - Guritno Suryokusumo
  • Hyperbaric Hyperoxia Effects on Stroke Volume, Heart Rate, and Cardiac Output of Divers Frogmen during sub-maximal exercise at a Depth of 5 meters.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 337 FK


Pengaruh Durasi Latihan Fisik Aerobik Akut Intensitas Sedang Terhadap Persentase Sel CD31 + Di Darah Tepi
2015 | BY Mariani Santosa - Ermita Isfandiary Ibrahim Ilyas - Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto
  • The Effect of Moderate Intensity Acute Aerobic Exercise Duration on The Percentage of Circulating CD31 Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil T15313FK


Perbandingan Kadar GFAP dan HSP27 Plasma Laki-Laki Dewasa Muda Pada Durasi Latihan Fisik Aerobik Akut Intensitas Sedang Yang Berbeda
2015 | BY Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto - Robert Stefanus - Sophie Yolanda
  • Comparison between GFAP and HSP27 plasma concentrations in Young adults on Different Moderate-Intensity Acute Aerobic Exercise duration.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 227 FK


Pengaruh Latihan Fisik Aerobik Kompleks terhadap PSD-95 di Hipokampus dan Fungsi Kognisi pada Mencit Usia Pertumbuhan
2015 | BY Wa Ode Heni Satriani - Neng Tine Kartinah - Sri Redjeki
  • The Effect of Complexity of Aerobic Exercise on PSD-95 in Mice Hippocampus and Cognitive Function in Developmental Age.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 524 FK


Pengaruh Posisi Duduk Reclining 70 derajat Terhadap Performa Menelan Pada Pasien Stroke Dengan Disfagia Neurogenik
2016 | BY Aria Kekalih - Gusti Benindra Pratomo - Ira Mistivani - Widjaja Laksmi - Elvie Zulka
  • Effect of 70 degree Reclining Sitting Position on Swallowing Performance in Stroke Patients with Neurogenic Dysphagia
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 180 FK


Pengaruh Manuver Mendelsohn sebagai Terapi Latihan terhadap Disfagia Fase Faring pada Penderita Karsinoma Nasofaring Pasca-Kemoradiasi
2015 | BY Marion Cinta Kuntjoro - Luh Karunia Wahyuni - Susyana Tamin - Sri Mutya Sekarutami - Murdani Abdullah
  • The Influence Of Swallowing Exercise with Mendelsohn Manuever On Pharyngeal Phase Dysphagia In Post Chemoradiation Nasopharyngeal Carsinoma Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 474 FK


Efektivitas Latihan Keseimbangan Disertai Latihan Penguatan Otot Tungkai Terhadap Fungsi Keseimbangan Pada Pasien Neuropati Diabetes
2016 | BY Retno Savitri Koeswardhani - Angela B. M. Tulaar - Ira Mistivani - TRI Juli Edi Tarigan - Widayat Alviandi - Ahmad Fuady
  • The Efficacy of Balance and Lower Extremity Strengthening Exercise on Balance Function in Patient With Diabetic Neuropathy.
  • Nomor Panggil T16536fk


Pengaruh Pengaturan Nutrisi Disertai Latihan Ergocycle Dibandingkan Pengaturan Nutrisi Tanpa Latihan Ergocycle Pada Penderita Obesitas Terhadap Kualitas Hidup
2017 | BY Muchtaruddin Mansyur - Christa Adriane Tenges - Siti Annisa Nuhonni - Tirza Z. Tamin
  • Effect of Nutrition management combined with ergocycle training compare to nutrition management without ergocycle training in quality of life of obese patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T16504fk