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Deteksi IgG spesifik Aspergillus metode imunokromatografi dikaitkan dengan karakteristik klinis dan radiologis aspergilosis paru kronik pada pasien terkait tuberkulosis paru
2024 | BY Ika Puspa Sari - Anna Rozaliyani - Nurul Amalia
  • Correlation ofAspergillus specific IgG detection by immunochromatographic method with clinical and radiological characteristics of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis in tuberculosis related patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T24409fk


Hubungan mikrosporidiosis intestinal dengan calprotectin feses pada anak dengan diare
2024 | BY Jessica Levina - Agnes Kurniawan - Ika Puspa Sari
  • Association between intestinal microsporidiosis and fecal calprotectin in children with diarrhea.
  • Nomor Panggil T24336fk


Intestinal Parasitic Infection and Nutritional Status among School Aged Children in South Jakarta
2015 | BY Ika Puspa Sari - Sacha Audindra
  • Infeksi Parasit Usus dan Status Gizi diantara Anak Usia Sekolah di Jakarta Selatan.
  • Nomor Panggil S15363FK


Correlation Between Socio-Economic Status and The Incidence of Intestinal Parasitic Infection Among Primary School Children In South Jakarta
2015 | BY Ika Puspa Sari - Cut Vania Syarira
  • Hubungan Antara Status Ekonomi dan Insidens Infeksi Parasit Usus Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Jakarta Selatan.
  • Nomor Panggil S15362FK


Association between Intestinal Parasitic Infection and Personal Hygiene in Primary School Pupils in South Jakarta
2015 | BY Ika Puspa Sari - Arin Aulia Rahma
  • Hubungan Infeksi Parasit Usus dan Tingkat Kebersihan Pribadi pada anak Sekolah Dasar di Jakarta Selatan.
  • Nomor Panggil S15361FK


Correlation between age and gender and the incidence of intestinal parasitic infection in primary school children in South Jakarta
2015 | BY Ika Puspa Sari - Aqila Sakina Zhafira
  • Hubungan antara umur dan jenis kelamin dengan infeksi parasit usus pada anak sekolah dasar di Jakarta Selatan.
  • Nomor Panggil S15359FK


Profil pasien dengan dugaan abses hati dihubungkan dengan serologi imunoglobulin G Entamoeba histolytica
2017 | BY Ika Puspa Sari - Agnes Kurniawan - Lisawati Susanto
  • Profile of patients with suspected liver abcess in association with serologic immunoglobulin G of Entamoeba histolytica.
  • Nomor Panggil T17248fk


Potensi Transmisi Acanthamoeba Sp Pada Pengguna Lensa Kontak Dari Larutan Perawatan Lensa Kontak Dan Sumber Air Rumah Tangga
2019 | BY Inneke Kusumawati Susanto - Ika Puspa Sari - Sri Wahdini
  • Acanthamoeba sp transmission potential in contact lens wearers from contact lens care solution and household tap water.
  • Nomor Panggil T19271fk


Potensi selulase terhadap kerusakan dinding kista Acanthamoeba sp.
2018 | BY Ika Puspa Sari - Tisha Lazuana - Hendri Astuty
  • The potency of cellulose to degrade cyst wall of Acanthamoeba sp.
  • Nomor Panggil T18304fk


Penilaian potensi transmisi Cryptosporidium sp. dari air sungai Ciliwung berdasarkan enumerasi ookista
2018 | BY Ika Puspa Sari - Meita Mahardianti - Agnes Kurniawan
  • Assessment of transmission potential of Cryptosporidium sp. in Ciliwung river water based on oocyst enumeration.
  • Nomor Panggil T18266fk