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Kesesuaian Pemeriksaan Pap Smear dan IVA Sebelum dan Sesudah Terapi Keputihan Patologis
2015 | BY Muhammad Reza - Junita Indarti- Correspondence of Pap Smear and VIA Examinations Before and After Pathologic Vaginal Discharge Therapy.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 587 FK
Akurasi Pemeriksaan Kombinasi Liquid-Based Cytology dan Tes DNA HPV Sebagai Penapis Lesi Pra Kanker Serviks di RSCM Kencana
2017 | BY Yuven Satya Pratama - Junita Indarti- The Accuration of Liquid-Based Cytology and HPV DNA Test Combination as Pre Cervical Cancer Lesion Screening in RSCM Kencana.
- Nomor Panggil T17129fk