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Telaah Kasus Infeksi TB pada Ibu Hamil di Kota Depok Sebelum dan Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19
2022 | BY Naufalia Brillianti Sambowo - Dwiana Ocviyanti
  • Study on The Association Between TB Infections Cases in Pregnancy in Kota Depok During and Before COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Nomor Panggil S22062fk


Telaah Kematian Ibu Sebelum Pandemi COVID-19 (2018-2019) dan Selama Pandemi COVID-19 (2020- 2021) Dihubungkan dengan Hipertensi pada Kehamilan di Kota Depok
2022 | BY Nabilla Luthfia Salwani - Dwiana Ocviyanti
  • Association between Maternal Mortality Before (2018- 2019) and During (2020-2021) COVID-19 Pandemic with Hypertensive Disorder of Pregnancy in Depok City.
  • Nomor Panggil S22052fk


Hubungan Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Kejadian Kurang Energi Kronis (KEK) Ibu Hamil di Kota Depok
2022 | BY Nanda Hanifah Sekar Kinasih - Dwiana Ocviyanti
  • The Interconnection between Covid-19 Pandemic and Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) Among Pregnant Women in Depok City.
  • Nomor Panggil S22051fk


A Continuum of Care Analysis on Adherence towardsMaternal and Child Nutrition Programs and Its Association to Child Stunting in Indonesia.
2015 | BY Luh Ade Ari Wiradnyani - Endang L. Achadi - Helda Khusun - Dwiana Ocviyanti
  • Nomor Panggil D15020fk


Relationship of Local-Based Dietary Intake, Patterns and Quality with Zinc Status among Minangkabau Pregnant Women in West Sumatera, Indonesia
2017 | BY Rina Agustina - Idral Purnakarya - Dwiana Ocviyanti - Nur Indrawaty Lipoeto
  • Hubungan Asupan, Pola Makan, dan Kualitas Diet Berbasis Lokal dengan Status Seng pada Ibu Hamil Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat, Indonesia.
  • Nomor Panggil D17034FK


Peran Platelet Rich Plasma dalam Memperbaiki Kerusakan Otot Dasar Panggul Pasca Persalinan Pertama Tanpa Penyulit dengan Prosedur Perineorafi: Kajian terhadap IGF-1, MyoD, Luas Hiatus Levator, dan Kekuatan Kontraksi Levator.
2022 | BY Fernandi - Andhika Rachman - Dwiana Ocviyanti - Budi Iman Santoso - JUNIZAF
  • The Role of Platelet Rich Plasma in Supporting the Recovery of Pelvic Floor Muscle Trauma in Normal Post Partum Cases with perineorraphy: Study on IGF-1, MyoD, Levator Hiatal Area and Levator Strength.
  • Nomor Panggil D22018fk


Usia Menars Pada Remaja Putri di Indonesia dan Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya
2023 | BY Aditya Tejabaswara - Dwiana Ocviyanti
  • Age of Menarche in Indonesian Adolescent Girls and The Factors that Influenced.
  • Nomor Panggil T23541fk


Gambaran sindrom prahaid dan hubungannya dengan indeks massa tubuh pada perempuan usia 15-24 tahun
2013 | BY Ali Haidar Syaifullah - Dwiana Ocviyanti
  • Premenstrual syndrom prevalence and relation with body mass index in 15-24 years old female.
  • Nomor Panggil S13096fk