Hasil Pencarian

✨ 24 results found - Searched 21148 records in 4ms.


ANTIBODY engineering : Methods and protocols editor Benny K.C.Lo
2004 | BY Benny K.C.Lo
  • Nomor Panggil QW25 A619 2004


Studi banding antara rejimen dosis eritemogenik dan rejimen suberitemogenik fototerapi UVB spektrum sempit pada psoriasis tipe plak serta ekspresi BCL-X dan BAX oleh keratinosit
2004 | BY Unandar Budimulja - Benny Effendi Wiryadi - H. Achmad Tjarta - Ardi Djuanda
  • Nomor Panggil D04007fk


Efek Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kari (Murraya Koenigii) terhadap Kadar Malondialdehida dan Aktivitas Enzim Katalase di Jaringan Ginjal pada Model Tikus Diabetes Mellitus tipe 2
2019 | BY Benny Christian Sihombing - Wawaimuli Arozal
  • ct of curry leaves (Murraya koenigii) ethanol extract on Malondialdehyde level and activity of catalase in kidney tissue on type 2 diabetic mice.
  • Nomor Panggil S19043fk


Pengaruh madu manuka sebagai terapi adjuvan terhadap morfologi feses tikus yang diinduksi bakteri Shigella dysenteriae
2015 | BY Kristo Benny Pamungkas Siahaan - Ari Estuningtyas
  • The effect of manuka honey as adjuvant therapy to feces morphology of rats that was induced by Shigella dysenteriae.
  • Nomor Panggil S15284FK


Kesesuaian Hasil Pemeriksaan Dacryoscintigraphy dengan Dacryocystography pada Pasien Obstruksi Duktus Nasolakrimal Primer Didapat
2019 | BY Elyas Aditya Pradana - Yunia Irawati - Benny Zulkarnaien - Joedo Prihartono
  • Degree of Agreement of Dacryoscintigraph and Dacryocystograph Examination Results in Primary Acquired Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T19507fk


Prediktor Kegagalan Ekstubasi Dini Pada Bayi Prematur
2023 | BY Benny Sana Putra - Yogi Prawira - Putri Maharani Tristanita Marsubrin
  • Predictors of Early Extubation Failure in Preterm Neonates.
  • Nomor Panggil T23011fk


Tingkat kesintasan pasien unresectable tumor periampula pascaoperasi paliatif double-bypass di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2010 – 2015
2016 | BY I Made Adhi Keswara - Wifanto Saditya Jeo - Benny Philippi
  • Survival rate of unresectable periampullary tumor post palliative double bypass surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Teaching Hospital on January 2010 - August 2015.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 124 FK


Hubungan Antara Durasi Ah Jump dengan Status Keberhasilan Ablasi pada Atrioventrikcular Nodal Reetrant Tachycardia
2014 | BY BENNY TM TOGATOROP - Barita Sitompul - Hananto Andriantoro - Sunu Budhi Raharjo
  • The relationship between the duration of AH jump with ablation successful status in Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
  • Nomor Panggil T14216fk