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Hubungan Parameter Perlekatan Virus, Surfaktan, Kerusakan Vaskular dan Inflamasi dengan Derajat Penyakit COVID-19: Kajian terhadap Kadar Furin, TMPRSS2, ACE2, PS-D, VEcadherin, XCL1/lymphotactin dan IL-6
2024 | BY Adityo Susilo - Suhendro - Cleopas Martin Rumende- The Role of Virus Attachment, Surfactant, Vascular Damage, and Inflammation Biomarkers towards COVID-19 Severity: A Study on Furin, TMPRSS, ACE2, PS-D, VE-cadherin, XCL1/ lymphotactin and IL-6 Levels.
- Nomor Panggil D24004fk

Disfungsi mikrosirkulasi, mitokondria, serta peran konsentrasi laktat serum sebagai prediktor mortalitas pada penderita ketoasidosis diabetik dengan sepsis.
2008 | BY Suhendro - Bambang Sutrisna - Herdiman T. Pohan - Sarwono Waspadji- Nomor Panggil D08001fk

Peran faktor metabolik, neuropati perifer, inflamasi, infeksi dan hemostasis terhadap oksigenisasi jaringan serta pengaruhnya terhadap proses penyembuhan luka kaki diabetik.
2016 | BY Em Yunir - Sarwono Waspadji - Suhendro- Role of metabolic factors, peripheral neuropathy, inflammation, infections and hemostasis in tissue oxygenation and diabetic foot wound healing process.
- Nomor Panggil D16031fk

Brain Derived Protein, Soluble TNFR-1, Laktat, Saturasi Vena Sentral, dan Oksigen Serebral sebagai Prediktor Defisit Neurologis pada Operasi Koreksi Penyakit Jantung Bawaan.
2016 | BY Bambang Sutrisna - M. Tatang Puspanjono - Suhendro - Sri Rezeki S Hadinegoro- Brain-derived Protein, Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-1, Lactate, Central Vein, and Cerebral Oxygen Saturation as The Predictor of Neurological Deficit in Congenital Heart Disease Corrective Operation.
- Nomor Panggil D16029fk

Pengaruh Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells terhadap Pertumbuhan Tunika Muskularis Aneurisma Intrakranial: Uji Eksperimental in Vivo pada Tikus.
2017 | BY Setyo Widi Nugroho - Teguh A.S. Ranakusuma - Suhendro - Hilman Mahyuddin- The Role of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Vascular Smooth Muscle Regeneration of Intracranial Aneurysm: Experimental Study in Rats.
- Nomor Panggil D17033fk

Peran Nutrisi dan Kegagalan Autofagi pada Patomekanisme Preeklamsia.
2017 | BY Martina Hutabarat - Suhendro - Noroyono Wibowo- Role of Nutrition and Autophagy Failure in Pathomechanism of Preeclampsia.
- Nomor Panggil D17007fk

Respons Terapi Fase Induksi Leukemia Mieloblastik Akut pada Anak: Tinjauan Khusus pada Ekspresi CD7, CD19, t(8;21), inv(16), Mutasi FLT3-ITD dan Mutasi NPM1.
2022 | BY Hikari Ambara Sjakti - Suhendro - Saptawati Bardosono - Djajadiman Gatot - Pustika Amalia Wahidiyat- Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia Induction Phase Response: Focus on CD7 and CD19 aberrants, t(8;21) and inv(16) karyotypes, FLT3-ITD and NPM1 Mutations.
- Nomor Panggil D22019fk