Hasil Pencarian

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Pengembangan Model Intervensi Pengendalian Tekanan Darah Berbasis Sekolah Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar di Indonesia.
2023 | BY Sugma Agung Purbowo - Muchtaruddin Mansyur - Indah Suci Widyahening - Retno Asti Werdhani
  • Development of a School-Based Blood Pressure Control Intervention Model for Elementary School Teachers in Indonesia.
  • Nomor Panggil D23022fk


Perbandingan Populasi, Viabilitas serta Kemampuan Fagositosis CD14+ Mononuclear Cells yang berasal dari Air Susu Ibu dan Darah Tepi.
2023 | BY Ghaniyyatul Khudri - Dewi Sukmawati - Atikah Chalida Barasila
  • Comparison of Population, Viability, and Phagocytic Ability between CD14+ Mononuclear Cells derived from Breast Milk and Peripheral Blood.
  • Nomor Panggil T23333fk


Hubungan Status Fungsional Sistem Saraf Otonom Berdasarkan Index of Regulation System Activity (IRSA) dengan Profil Glukosa Darah pada Pegawai Fakultas X, Universitas Y tahun 2022
2023 | BY Cikariska Arifin - Winnugroho Wiratman - Dewi Yunia Fitriani
  • The Relationship Between Functional Status of the Autonomic Nervous System Based on the Index of Regulation System Activity (IRSA) and Blood Glucose Profile in Employees of Faculty X, University Y on 2022.
  • Nomor Panggil T23600fk


Penilaian Akurasi Klasifikasi Klinis Gawat Napas Dalam Menilai Abnormalitas AGD Pada Pasien IGD RS Persahabatan
2023 | BY Mohammad Yovansyah Putera
  • Accuracy Evaluation of the Clinical Classification of Respiratory Distress in Assessing ABG Abnormalities.
  • Nomor Panggil T23567fk


Hubungan antara Konsumsi Kopi dan Proporsi Hipertensi pada Wanita Usia Subur Minangkabau dan Sunda
2023 | BY Rosyad Almas - Rina Agustina
  • The relationship between Coffee Consumption and the Proportion of Hypertension in Minangkabau and Sundanese Women of Childbearing Age.
  • Nomor Panggil S23103fk


Perbedaan Protokol Pembuatan Tetes Mata Serum Darah Perifer Manusia dan Efek Pemberiannya terhadap Penyembuhan Kornea Pasca Trauma Kimia Basa: Evaluasi Klinis dan Histopatologi Kornea pada Kelinci
2023 | BY Theresia Kania - Syska Widyawati - Made Susiyanti - Melva Louisa - Eka Susanto
  • Protocol Difference in the Preparation of Human Peripheral Blood Serum Eyedrops and Their Effects on Corneal Healing after Alkali Burn: Clinical Evaluation and Corneal Histopathology on Rabbits.
  • Nomor Panggil T23317fk


Potensi Hibiscus Sabdariffa Linn. dalam Menurunkan Kadar Glukosa Darah Puasa pada Mencit Model DM Tipe 2 melalui Peningkatan Kadar FGF21 pada Jaringan Hepar
2023 | BY Sumayya Nuri Fuadana Aulia Ul Haque - Neng Tine Kartinah - Roman Ardian Goenarjo
  • The Potency of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn in Reducing Fasting Blood Glucose on Mice Model of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus by FGF21 Enhancement in Liver Tissue.
  • Nomor Panggil T23265fk


Hubungan lingkar leher dengan tekanan darah pada populasi dewasa
2023 | BY Ainil Mardiah - Diana Sunardi - Nurul Ratna Mutu Manikam
  • Association between Neck Circumference and Blood Pressure in Adult Population.
  • Nomor Panggil T23244fk


Nilai Tambah Kadar Glukosa Darah Satu jam Pasca-Bedah Pintas Arteri Koroner pada Skor ACEF sebagai Prediktor mortalitas 30 Hari
2023 | BY Andhiky Raymonanda Madangsai - Arif Mansjoer - R.R. Dyah Purnamasari
  • Added Value of One Hour Post Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Blood Glucose to ACEF Score in Predicting 30-days Mortality.
  • Nomor Panggil T23235fk