Hasil Pencarian

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Hubungan ekspresi Survivin dan VEGF-C dengan status metastasis kelenjar getah bening pada karsinoma payudara stadium dini
2021 | BY Tantri Hellyanti - Fresia Juwitasari Wongkar - Hartono Tjahjadi
  • Association of Survivin and VEGF-C expression with lymph node metastasis in early stage breast carcinoma.
  • Nomor Panggil T21153fk


Identifikasi kandungan metabolit sekunder dan sitotoksisitas ekstrak Orange cup coral (Tubastraea coccinea) terhadap lini sel kanker payudara line MCF-7
2021 | BY Putri Prihatni Sabarina
  • Identification of secondary metabolites of Orange coral cup (Tubastraea coccinea) extracts and its cytotoxicity on breast cancer cell line MCF-7.
  • Nomor Panggil S21173fk


Identifikasi Senyawa Kimia dan Aktivitas Hambatan Ekstrak Etanol, Etil Asetat, n-Heksana Holothuria scabra terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7
2021 | BY Putri Cahaya Intan
  • Identification of Chemical Compounds and Inhibition Activities of Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate, n-Hexane Extracts of Holothuria scabra Against Breast Cancer Cells MCF-7.
  • Nomor Panggil S21056fk


Penentuan Kadar Total Fenolik, Flavonoid dan Uji In Vitro Ekstrak Spirulina platensis terhadap Penghambatan Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker Payudara MCF7
2021 | BY Nada Salsabila Rycko
  • Determination of Total Phenolic, Flavonoid and In Vitro Assay of Spirulina platensis Extract on Inhibiting MCF7 Breast Cancer Cell Growth.
  • Nomor Panggil S21145fk


Analisis Fitokimia dan Uji In Vitro Jamur Putih (Tremella fuciformis) sebagai Antioksidan dan Inhibitor Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7
2021 | BY Ahmad Fadhil Ilham
  • Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Study on Tremella fuciformis as Antioxidant and Growth Inhibitor of Breast MCF-7 Cancer Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S21027fk


Pengembangan Konjugat Cetuximab – Puromisin sebagai Imunotoksin untuk Menghambat Viabilitas Sel Kanker Payudara Tipe Triple Negative
2021 | BY Diah Puspitasari - Septelia Inawati Wanandi - Mohamad Sadikin
  • Development of cetuximab-puromycin conjugate as an immunotoxin to inhibit the viability of triple negative breast cancer cells.
  • Nomor Panggil T21521fk


Dampak pemberian vesikel ekstraseluler sel punca mesenkim jaringan tali pusat terhadap kepuncaan sel kanker payudara (MDAMB-231, MCF7, dan ALDH+)
2021 | BY Nibras Zakiyah - Septelia Inawati Wanadi - Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto
  • The effect of mesenchymal stem cells derived extracellular vesicles supplementation on the stemness of breast cancer cells (MDA-MB- 231, MCF7, and ALDH+).
  • Nomor Panggil T21531fk


PD-L1 Sebagai Faktor Prognosis Kesintasan Pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Triple Negative
2021 | BY Ubaidillah - Dhanasari Vidiawati Tresna - Hartono Tjahjadi - Bayu Brahma - Ahmad Kurnia
  • PD-L1 As Prognostic Factor for Survival in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Patient.
  • Nomor Panggil T21371fk


Hubungan Mikrokalsifikasi pada Mamografi Penderita Kanker Payudara sebagai Parameter Metastasis Tulang
2021 | BY Oyon Istambul - Erwin Danil Yulian - Muhammad Ilyas - Sawitri Darmiati - Ramadhan
  • The Relationship of Microcalcifications on Mammography of Breast Cancer Patients as Parameters of Bone Metastasis.
  • Nomor Panggil T21366fk


Hubungan antara SI Slope pada Kurva Kinetik DCE-MRI dengan Probabilitas Keganasan Payudara Di RSUPN dr Cipto Mangunkusumo
2021 | BY Indah Maria Adistana - Joedo Prihartono - Tantri Hellyanti - Sonar Soni Panigoro - Sawitri Darmiati
  • Correlation of SI Slope in Kinetic Curve of DCE-MRI and Malignancy Probability in Breast Lesion at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T21337fk