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Relationships between Human Milk Oligosaccharides Profiles and Weight Growth Indicators of Infants Aged 0 – 4 Months – a Prospective Longitudinal Study.
2023 | BY Rina Agustina - Badriul Hegar - Verawati Sudarma - Adi Hidayat
  • Hubungan antara Profil Oligosakarida dalam ASI dan Indikator Pertumbuhan Berat Badan pada Bayi Usia 0 – 4 Bulan - Studi Longitudinal Prospektif.
  • Nomor Panggil D23028fk


Perbandingan Performa White Light Imaging dan Narrow Band Imaging dalam Membedakan Polip Kolorektal Neoplastik dan Non-Neoplastik
2023 | BY Lily Verawati - Kaka Renaldi - Hasan Maulahela - Nur Rahadiani - Aulia Rizka
  • Comparison of Performance between White Light Imaging and Narrow Band Imaging in Distinguishing Neoplastic and Non-Neoplastic Colorectal Polyps.
  • Nomor Panggil T23439fk