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Pengaruh Penambahan Glutathione Pada Media Kriopreservasi Terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa, Fosforilasi Tirosin, Ekspresi Protein Akrosin, Caspase-3, Reaksi Akrosom Dan Ultrastruktur Spermatozoa : Kaitannya Dengan Kualitas Embrio Mencit
2024 | BY R. Mulyoto Pangestu - Andon Hestiantoro - Silvia Werdhy Lestari - Zuraida
  • Effects of Glutathione Supplementation in Cryopreservation Media on Spermatozoa Quality, Tyrosine Phosphorylation, Acrosin Protein Expression, Caspase-3 Expression, Acrosome Reaction, and Ultrastructure: Relevance to Mouse Embryo Quality.
  • Nomor Panggil D24032fk


Hubungan antara Asupan Zat Besi dan Kadar Hemoglobin dengan Skor Karnofsky pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Persahabatan
2023 | BY HEidy Agustin - Novi Silvia Hardiany - Dwi Lisa Nur’aini - Erfi Prafiantini
  • Association between Iron Intake and Hemoglobin Level with Karnofsky Score in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients of RSUP Persahabatan.
  • Nomor Panggil T23626fk


Aktivitas Spesifik Katalase Jaringan Jantung Tikus yang Diinduksi Hipoksia Hipobarik Akut Berulang.
2009 | BY Silvia F S - Septelia Inawati Wanandi
  • Specific Activity of Catalase in Rat Heart Tissue Induced by Acute Intermittent Hypoxia Hypobaric.
  • Nomor Panggil S09089fk


Perbandingan Profil Stres Oksidatif dan Penuaan Seluler Pra Pasca Bedah Pintas Arteri Koroner Lansia dan Kaitannya dengan Lama Rawat di ICU
2024 | BY Udani Sari Ratih - Febriana Catur Iswanti - Novi Silvia Hardiany
  • Comparison of Oxidative Stress Profile and Cellular Aging Before and After Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Elderly Patients and Its Relation to Length of Stay in ICU.
  • Nomor Panggil T24346fk


Regulasi Inflamasi pada Nelayan Tradisional Penyelam Bebas Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara: Kajian pada HIF-1α, NF-κB dan Produksi Sitokin
2024 | BY Amalina Fakhriah - Febriana Catur Iswanti - Novi Silvia Hardiany
  • Regulation of Inflammation in Traditional Fishermen Freediver in Southeast Maluku Regency: Study on HIF-1α, NF-κB, and Cytokines Production.
  • Nomor Panggil T24277fk


Analisis Efek Spirulina platensis Terhadap Premature Senescence Pada Jantung Tikus Jantan Yang Dipaparkan Asap Rokok
2024 | BY Ani Retno Prijanti - Novi Silvia Hardiany - Tiwuk Susantiningsih - Fadilah
  • Analysis Of The Effect Of Spirulina platensis On Cardiovascular Premature Senescence Male Rats To Cigarette Smoke Exposure.
  • Nomor Panggil D24019fk


Efek kombinasi gliserol dan rafinosa pada kriopreservasi spermatozoa mencit terhadap membran plasma, membran mitokondria, ultrastruktur, Caspase-3, HSPA1 dan kualitas embrio
2024 | BY Manggiasih Dwiayu Larasati - Silvia W Lestari - Andon Hestiantoro - R. Mulyoto Pangestu
  • Effect combination of glycerol and raffinose on cryopreservation of mice spermatozoa on plasma membrane, mitochondrial membrane, ultrastructure, Caspase-3, HSPA1 and embryo quality.
  • Nomor Panggil D24008fk


Endocrine Pathology / edited by Stefano La Rosa, Silvia Uccella
2022 | BY La Rosa, Stefano - Silvia Uccella
  • Nomor Panggil WK 140 L331 2022


Pengaruh Pemberian Kedelai (Glycine max) terhadap Viabilitas Oosit Mencit Ditinjau dengan Metode Mitotracker
2019 | BY Muhammad Iqbal Adi Pratama - Silvia Werdhy Lestari
  • The Effect of Soybean (Glycine max) Supplementation on Mice Oocyte Viability Assessed through MitoTracker.
  • Nomor Panggil S19157fk


MicroRNA-328 dan γ-H2AX sebagai Faktor Prognostik Potensial serta Perannya terhadap Kemampuan Bertahan Hidup Sel Glioblastoma multiforme melalui Inhibisi Apoptosis.
2023 | BY Christine Tiarma Ully Banjarnahor - Mohamad Sadikin - Novi Silvia Hardiany
  • MicroRNA-328 and γ-H2AX as Potential Prognostic Factors and their Roles in Sustainability of Glioblastoma multiforme Cells through Apoptotic Inhibition.
  • Nomor Panggil D23023fk