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Peran Nilai Apparent Diffusion Coefficient MRI pra Terapi Sebagai Bagian Model Prediksi Respons Terapi Pasien Karsinoma Nasofaring di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (Studi Pendahuluan)
2023 | BY Vina Azhima - Indrati Suroyo - Marlinda Adham - Henry Kodrat - Joedo Prihartono - Heltara Ramandika
  • The Role of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Value of pre-Treatment MRI as a part of Therapy Response Prediction Model on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (Preliminary Study).
  • Nomor Panggil T23236fk


Gangguan Penghidu Pasca-Virus: Tatalaksana Kombinasi Latihan Penghidu Ortonasal dan Protokol Terapi Hidung. Kajian Terhadap Uji Klinis Kombinasi Latihan Penghidu Ortonasal dan Protokol Terapi Hidung
2022 | BY Febriani Endiyarti - Joedo Prihartono - Yetty Ramli - Yesi Mardhatillah - Retno S. Wardani - Pratiwi P. Sudarmono - Tri Juda Airlangga - Marlinda Adham - Niken Lestari
  • Postviral Olfactory Dysfunction: Management of Combination Orthonasal Olfactory Training and Nasal Therapy Protocols. Review of Clinical Trials of Combination of Orthonasal Olfactory Training and Nasal Therapy Protocol.
  • Nomor Panggil T22230fk