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Pengaruh infeksi CMV dan Genotip Apolipoprotein-E terhadap Limfosit T dan Perubahan Fungsi Kognitif pada Pasien HIV yang Memulai Terapi Antiretroviral.
2017 | BY Riwanti Estiasari - Samsuridjal Djauzi - Patricia Price - Teguh Ranakusuma- The Effect of CMV burden and Apolipoprotein-E genotype on T cells and Cognitive Change in HIV Patients Starting Antiretroviral Treatment.
- Nomor Panggil D17027fk
Peran faktor genetik dan respons imun pejamu terhadap kandidiasis orofarings pada individu terinfeksi HIV sebelum dan sesudah terapi anti retroviral.
2017 | BY Endah Ayu Tri Wulandari - Samsuridjal Djauzi - Patricia Price - Retno Wahyuningsih- The role of genetic factor and immune response toward oropharyngeal candidiasis among HIV-infected subjects before and after anti retroviral therapy.
- Nomor Panggil D17026fk
Faktor-faktor Risiko Terjadinya Diare Kronik pada Anak dengan Infeksi HIV di RSCM pada Tahun 2014-2016
2017 | BY Satrio Wahyu Fathurrahman - Pramita Gayatri Dwipoerwantoro- Risk Factors of Chronic Diarrhea in Children with HIV Infection in RSCM in the Year 2014-2016 .
- Nomor Panggil S17068fk
The Effect of CD4 Level to Verbal Function on HIV Children at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (RSCM)
2017 | BY Roberto Bagaskara Indy C - Nina Dwi Putri- Nomor Panggil S17214fk
Correlation Between Serum Lipopolysaccharide Level And Carotid Intima Media Thickness In HIV Infected Children
2017 | BY Eugene Satryo - Nina Dwi Putri- Korelasi antara Tingkat Lipopolysaccharide dalam Serum dengan Tebal Carotid Intima Media pada anak terinfeksi HIV.
- Nomor Panggil S17212fk
The Effect of CD4 Level Towards Cognition of Antiretroviral Exposed HIV Children
2017 | BY Diajeng Ayesha Soeharto - Nikmah Salamia Idris- The Effect of CD4 Level Towards Cognition of Antiretroviral Exposed HIV Children.
- Nomor Panggil S17179fk
Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Pasien HIV dengan Neuropati Perifer dalam Terapi Antiretroviral Non-Stavudin
2017 | BY Anyeliria Sutanto - Riwanti Estiasari - Fitri Octaviana - Trevino A. Pakasi- Quality of Life of HIV Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy Receiving Non-Stavudine Antiretroviral Therapy.
- Nomor Panggil T17586fk
Sexually Transmitted Infections in HIV-Infected Adults and Special Populations: A Clinical Guide
2017 | BY Laura Hinkle Bachmann- Nomor Panggil WC 503.5 B124 2017
Panduan perawatan orang dengan HIV AIDS untuk keluarga dan masyarakat / Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia
2017 | BY Kemenkes- Nomor Panggil WC 503 K31 2017